Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Sometimes I wonder if EE tuners even nod to each other while passing :man_shrugging:

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Strange 400hz 5 db dip! :chart_with_downwards_trend:

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Looks like the 2/DD xover area. Saw a graph by Resolve at Headphones,com and his had an anomoly there too

How does it affect playback tho?

Just started jamming an hour ago and cannot pick it up on anything yet. This is a very energetic set. :sweat_smile:


I pulled Elysian Acoustic “X” out then put them away

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That graph looks suuuuper appealing to me. I’m all about dat treble. Shame about the price, I’m not rich so that’s an untouchable set for life right there.

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Do you mean the X are not great after listening to the Evo?

No…I mean “X” is on another level up.

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My heart can restart to beat, as I am still waiting for my set . Thanks for the clarification, got scared .

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Oh my bad. You can relax now.
If you bought the Elysian X . You chose wisely. That guy is the best in the biz

I paid full price for my EVO and am not dumping on it. It’s just not a “X”…or a Bird


Very interested to see whether EVO even garners a full review. Nonetheless, it is a helpful data point that Elysian X appears to remain at the TOTL mountaintop.

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I like the design.
I am surprised that EE sticks to this metal cylinder to store them. Is anyone really using it when transporting the IEM? the smaller pouch like MEST or Van Nuys have so much more practical to my opinion.

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They gotta use the little pouches like Campfire Audio. I don’t want them bouncing and rubbing u on each other.

I paid $3,400? w shipping. I expect more care


I’ll post this in here too.
This is a very noble idea but terribly flawed.
Did not even merit a video.
There is a reason the official site on Ali has sold very few.
It is not a very good set.

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Which set is this one? I don’t recognize it.

Tri i3 pro . Go to the 7hz timeless thread

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Ironic comment.

It’s a great try and failed execution. Most people outside of KBear fans have no idea what it is/was because it was a fail

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I feel like we need a list of iems that u just skipped reviewing them . That will save alot of wallets