Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I knew I had seen them somewhere too, and I couldn’t remember either.


Cool. I missed it too :sweat_smile:

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10 character

Here’s the Linsoul 11.11 page. Has the details for gift cards, deals, and bundles.


Snatch em. Coupons are best.

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So in my case being on the east coast of the US 10pm tonight will be 10am Nov 5th for them right?

Looks like

The tool is here

Shenzen November 5th 10am (I’d be on it 2 minutes early, 3 tabs open,)

Bang!! (too early)
BANG (too early)
Muthfkin BANGA!!! “You got coupon”


Sad that it’s 3 or 4 am for most of Europe…guess their sales are mostly from the US and China? Linsoul should choose a more friendly time for folks in Europe next time!

London time is borked in this screenshot. UK has gone back to GMT time, so it should be 2am UK.

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Last year I think it was 1am Japan time and i did a vid 10 minutes before and they got snatched in seconds

Their Discord is asking folks to be considerate this year

a ha ha ha


They will call Hekili
Means “Thunder” or “Passion”


That looks really good just by the graph

Edit: The Falcon on the other hand…

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Yeah 300Hz to 1Khz is not really a place my library can handle boost
I love bass but not bloat. Beautiful shell though.
Maybe they retry that with a PRO version
EDIT: :man_facepalming:
It is the PRO.


Happens :smile:

Same for me, I don’t really like Bloat either

Did you get KATO?

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I didn’t, but a friend of mine has so I was able to try them out.

Build quality is exceptional, something I‘m used to by now with how Moondrop makes their IEMs. The cables are a big upgrade over their previous ones. The new Spring tips are nice as well.

I think for 180 the Kato is a no-brainer. Really good, Harman-like-tuned IEM. They sound really similar to both the KXXS, Aria and Starfield, but improve on everything else. Bass has more impact and texture, and they overall portray more detail. I wonder if that‘s due to their new low-distortion driver?

Overall an incredible Allrounder. Only Reason I probably won’t get them is that I got a Pair of Arias already, and they come about 80-85% close to the Kato in terms of Sound at less than half the price.

But you never know, maybe I‘ll get a pair on the 11th? :smile:

Edit: forgot to say, all in all my impressions mostly mirror what you said in your review.

Also, I feel like the Kato directly competes with both the 2021 Tanchjim Hana and the Oxygen. I feel like the Hana isn’t necessarily worse, just a more V-Shaped tuning. It‘s scary though how close the Kato comes to the O2. How would you compare the 3?


Probably 2021 > KATO > 02

I need more bass than kato gives but aside from that i dig it a lot. love 02 but fit is so bad if i move my head it breaks seal. Really bad ultra shallow design.

Hana 2021 tuning is so good for my library


I can totally get behind that, especially for your Library.

I’ve been eyeing both the Kato and Hana for a while now. Probably gonna get either on the 11th.

…or something entirely different. The Softears RSV has been on my watch list for quite some time and I‘m honestly really tempted to get them. Everywhere I see / read positives about them and the tuning looks to be to my liking as well.

Edit: unrelated, but I ordered Moondrops new TWS Set, the Nekocake. Excited to try them.


@hawaiibadboy do you know what page the gift cards are gonna be bought from? Or where they would normally be?

Cards already in the shop! This is not a drill!