Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Thanks man just got mine :love_you_gesture:t2:

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Just grabbed 2 cards .

Eyeing up that cayin n3 pro

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@Pheneo I thought we were limited to 1

limited to one discount, you can get multiple cards but only one gets discounted

I got a $100 and a $50 and used the $100 coupon so my total was $100


Right here scroll down a tiny bit to find the coupons

Got the date of the Blue Mele drop, exactly THAT day!



That Focus EDM graphā€¦


11 Nov available in DD Audio Aliexpress too or linsoul only?


Iā€™m not sure. :man_shrugging: I found out it was going to be available for 11/11 from a post above.
The ad for 11/11 showed the black one I thought??

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I need a coffee
What is this??
Coming my way?

nvmā€¦I am in chaos. LOL something coming


I know that feelingā€¦! :rofl:

Unrelated rant:

Funny to see in the Linsoul discord concerning the gift card sales that there are folks that just react according to what others say before the scheduled drop, then a good number of panic buyers start questioning the authenticity of the scheduled time :man_shrugging:

Not to mention so many were so frantic they didnā€™t even check the discount code for the purchase and purchased the gift cards for the full amounts ($100 for $100, $50 for $50), then added more workload for Linsoul to refund half of their ordersā€”their own mistakes. :roll_eyes:

Folks need to chill tf out and stay calmā€¦ No wonder always the mob-like demeanor during Black Friday sales. Hype train mentality is pretty toxic and often misleads othersā€¦


Yup, saw that. :man_facepalming:

This set is dope


Love the MMCX connector coloured hardware v :sunglasses:

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Is this the set you were talking bout a mangird tea contenter in the same price range?
And mainly, do you prefer it over tea and timeless?

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Yes, I have had it for a longtime and honeymoon is long over. I like more than tea but thatā€™s cuz Elysian X type extension is really my thing ā€¦apparently


Well, Linsoul didnā€™t provide any links to gift cards or shared promo codes prior to the event (or mentioned that you need one). It was all their own doing and extra workload is due to poor organizing.

On top of that, some people somehow did find a link to gift cards and were able to purchase them an hour early, which is how all questioning about time started in the first place.

They donā€™t need to. This is a timed event which means first-come-first-serve and link provided at launch so no one should have had earlier access to the page. I collect playing cards, tons of limited edition cards only provide purchase links at launch.

Again, this shouldnā€™t have happened but when a company is hosting such a big event sale, they would need to test the page to see if everything works right. No one should have had the link; hence, for those who managed to find the link, itā€™s just playing sleuth at the right time right moment, and took advantage of the test page that wasnā€™t supposed to be found before the launch. I donā€™t see no bad organization from Linsoul, especially given the fact that they announced those folks who managed to snatch the gift cards before launch can still keep their code, and that it doesnā€™t affect the limited number of cards available through the correct launch hour.

Wonā€™t comment more 'cos this ainā€™t the right thread to discuss this.


The link for gift cards was right on the front page of the Linsoul website almost 2 hours earlier. Iā€™m just scrolled down to the ā€œLatest Productsā€ part of the website and clicked the link.