Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

That ain’t it…though some might find it divine :slight_smile:

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Thanks, my ifi is dropping signal to my Sony phone. And no app that I found. :grimacing:

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Same. Signal range is poor compared to Qudelix. And my go blue would randomly ramp up the volume when switching devices. Like ear damage levels potentially. I ripped the timeless out of my ears twice. The second time they played static and I thought I broke them. Ended up being a cable connection issue thankfully.

Qudelix for the win (again).


1441 driver config…1 DD, 4 BA, 4 EST and 1 Super tweeter…



Hella good deal, balanced here I come!
Wanted to get the new Blue Mele, but beating around the bush I got to know the person I wanted to gift the Mele prefers yellow so :man_shrugging: Still, one more Mele SOLD.

Also, rewards with points can’t stack up with Zeos’ code, just a reminder for folks.


Shanling up4 imo

If only Shanling knew their way around software…
They added car mode few weeks ago to the UP2/4, which you can only enable/disable through their eddict player which crashes on 3 different phones for me on start(no option in shanling controller).
That , and introducing few bugs along the way, like the UP2(not sure about the up4) starting to flash blue/red every time you connect it for charging and it doesnt look like its pairing mode as it cant be seen by a phone so god knows what is happening. Went straight back to an earlier firmware.
There was also complaint of defaulting to low gain when you recconnect, volume memory stopped working etc.
It looks like someone left the company an the bosses nephew became senior software engineer :stuck_out_tongue: , as they did seem okay before this regarding software and i would rate them above hiby, hiby is not even trying to bring any updates to the W3 but at least they dont break things as a result :).

All that above, and i also noticed that on UP2 in 44/48k sampling rate on LDAC there is static in the sub bass frequencies. Curious if anyone that owns the UP4 have the same issue.

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They preparing the 1111 deal at $49.99



What do you make of this?

Just another data point showing frequency graphs will tell you some of but not all of the story.

I’d take EJ07>Monarch MKII>RSV5>EJ07M

My ranking need an update at end of year

RSV5 up
Kiwi ears down

Check our Michael Bruce/Redeyes DM him and use him as a source among others to make decisions and avoid FOTM stuff


Thank you
10 char

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Any more info/impressions on the Hekili? Looks like it might be just right for me?
Genres: male vocal, post rock, post metal, sludge, desert rock, grunge

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Review is coming next week. …Ima big fan :slight_smile:

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The car mode worked without doing anything for me. I’m pretty happy with the device. I have two even.

How do u compare the ej07 against the variations? im about to buy the moondrops for 340$

Im looking forward to it.
Possible to add some comparisons within the price bracket?

Variations is lean.
light on bass guitar, Male vocals and drums.
EJ07 (Original ver) has none of those issues.
@nymz bought Variations based on hype and immediately realized it’s limit

If you like K pop and music like that it might be fine. It is not fine for R&B Rock & Roll and Hip Hop :+1: