Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Your pics are better than mine. Those look amazing!! :fire:

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Music lights are great if you can hear the tunes. If coming from other direction it looks rando.
There are 2 settings that either
flash with music together or
use 6 channels( cable out to light strings) to create a light show


Fiio FHE coming for you @hawaiibadboy?

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@hawaiibadboy congratz, Crinacle is now advertising your Mele

First impressions of the FHE: 4/5

EDIT: And you will get a review unit. I donā€™t share your taste, but I am looking forward to your review of the FHE :slight_smile:

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Where is he advertising the Mele?

About time :raised_hands:


Not directly, but starting minute 5:00 he talks about his tuning decisions and what makes the FHE great and unique (except pretty much everything he says applies to the mele as well)

EDIT: I could point to a couple of things in the graph, which would make me thing I would like the FHE more than the mele, but he doesnā€™t mention one of them.

It is an absolute hammer. Only set I got that is just plug and play with all my Hip Hop library


Also in his 1000 IEMs Ranked video, the one I quoted on the Mele thread



IER Z1R is NOT a basshead set. It is same as RSV againā€¦NOT Basshead
They would not be popular if they were.



how does this bass fare against the OH10?

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Itā€™s harder hit than Aurisonics ASG 2.5 with dial full open.
Itā€™s the hardest hitter I have. More midbass slamming than OH10


shieettttttttā€¦ worth a consideration for dirty bass tracks then. thanks bruv


They are actual basshead earwax loosening IEM.
Kinda rare actually.

Metal shell
Enormous bass ( Specialty set pretty much for certain libraries)
Easy rec (For full or Part time Basshead anyway)


I have always regretted not buying the ASG 2.5
So letā€™s see how the Focus will hit!

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Thank you very much for the review. These were recommended to me, but it is difficult to find information about them.
Also, the aesthetic seems more for older guys, listening classical music, because of the wood. Itā€™s not ugly, but it really doesnā€™t look like an IEM for EDM bassheads, hehe

Question: Are the Xenns Up for bassheads or no? (I understand this is a joke/game, nothing serious, but I also understand that the Z1R cannot be a Basshead, if they want to be popular) The bass region seems pretty similar on the Xenns, the Mele and the FHE.

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

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UP is really able to do vocals well and not overtake the replay so no, itā€™s not a ā€œBassheadā€ set.
I think it has more lift than IER Z1R but neither is rattling earwax.

The Z1R and UP can cross genre. I think a Basshead set is what it implies.
I rarely do vids for bassheads as most is total crap.
My channel started w/Basshead and the IEM and Headphone threads on Headfi were started by me

Me and another Aspy bought all the claimed eye watering head slamming sets and most with same gear could not do this.
Many tried. It was good fun.
Sound pressure in cup and vibration through chassis and padsā€¦no easy feat.

UP is a EST having tribrid with a berry DD and good bass. Rare.
Good set.
Mele played and plays rock well which is my audience.
I do not consider Mele a basshead set.


I was so so very lucky to get them again
I was hunting for 3 years and swung a trade iirc?? I gave up a set worth over a grand Iā€™m pretty sure?

It will shake all the wax outta your ear.


We got 574 Reviews from all over the world. Most U.S. sales are direct to Linsoul so Aliexpress is interesting as it is really worldwide.

Very cool seeing folks from Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Germany and others

** Aliexpress is so far a decent pool. Amazon is notoriousā€¦I mean notorious for fake reviews.
Hopefully Ali does not fall down that hole.

Now Linsoul. Despite the bulk of sales going through them most folks do not leave reviews.
I think large shopping platforms like Ali and Amazon seem more friendly to that ORā€¦leaving a vendor review seems like ass kissing or hating or they incentivize it and no one wants too look like a simp?

Interesting point in the dataā€¦

The 3 dislikes are all for same reason.
Not tuning surprises
The filters.
This happened to a particular batch and I am not sure why. Too much adhesive film in the mesh?
The filters are part of the tuning particularly 1/DD sets

Amazon has really just begun getting feedback as their units went out later than Linsoul and Ali

First 4k units were off of my vid and word of mouth.
4-8K were an influx of sales by others and word of mouth.
Jetting over 10K was a result of those plus sales season fever.

Final thoughts:

Head Fi was a non factor. :thinking:
Looking at Z reviews and others it seems that it has diminished in impact or never really had much.
Z never needed it ORā€¦it simply is a lounge lizard station and he always knew that :thinking:

Discords are toxic as hell


If anyone can possibly figure out who that ā€œMike .Iā€ is Iā€™ll send him my own set with an apology note.
He has a right to be pissed and swore off ever using Linsoul again.
Iā€™d like to fix that if heā€™d let me.


and there are some people who enjoyed it (like me) who did not leave any review yet!
This set does its job and fit the price tag, legit to get good review. Nice to see a proper analysis.

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