Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Thanks and thanks.
Theory was from 1st vid to let it sink or swim with buyers as it would and always does.
August was release,
Sept was bigger
October was bigger than that
and November because of sales season was the biggest by a lot.

Z didn’t Review
DMS didn’t Review
Josh Didn’t Review
( I asked to not even offer them )

Crin gave it a rec a few days ago ( no impact as of yet )
Super didn’t care for it
Zpolt same
Dan liked Aria better

Biggest anomaly was after @tkddans sound demo with Aria

I never cared for that set and not nearly as much as above mentioned reviewers who all interestingly mentioned Aria in the Mele vids. Bass is soft and treble is wack…very odd.

Sales boosted right after his demo because folks know that’s not the sound but item A" and how it relates to item “B” and the graphs are easy to pick up
Dan rec’d Aria but the sales of Mele bounced right after.
Watch that vid someday. Facinating stuff.


I still haven’t tried the Mele but it does appear more and more in comments around the web, which is far better than appearing a huge amount at the beginning and then disappearing a month later.

BTW @hawaiibadboy , I don’t know if you check DM’s but if you have read mine, just blink once for yes :wink:


Got message and replied :slight_smile:


Thanks for the shout out!

I would add that the Mele sounds like it could be many people’s preferences. If anyone wonders why I preferred the Aria, it’s more because of my tastes than it has to do with how much I think others will like one or the other.

I think many people would prefer the Mele. They’re just different but both very good at what they do :metal:t2:


Your demo had value. :two_hearts:
It had impact.
I was noting that the daily avg was bumped up the after that demo.
I get trust from folks that don’t share my library because they are focused on a bass guitar not a genre
Your sound demos get mocked by some as having no value in conveying an accurte depiction due to links in chain between item “A” and their ears.

It, with a graph gives a good depiction of how item “A” relates to item “B”
If anyone were asked which one sounds more bassy “A” or “B”
Most will pick it out easy
If anyone were asked which one sounds more shouty “A” or “B”
They will get it
Tizzy cymbals?
Bloated bass?
Scooped mids?
and on and on

I’m hoping you keep growing and growing.
XENNS UP sounded very nice BTW :wink:


10k units is NICE. Pretty good line of work if you can get it.

I’d be interested to see how many units crinacle moves at his price point.

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Dan’s reviews are really useful for the sound demos, even if I don’t always agree with Dan’s conclusions. I just let my ears be the judge when I watch his videos, and I do think the Meles have consistently been strong performers in those comparison demos.

I bought my Xenns Ups basically because of your recs and Dan’s demos, where I thought the Ups slaughtered everything besides the Mests.


Christmas came early

edit: okay, tiny review time. i must be spoiled by the fact that i now own some gear tuned for my liking; that being the beyerdynamic tygr 300r and now meles. as whack as this will sound, it’s almost as if this tuning itself has an open-back form, and an iem form.

if i had to put it to words, it’s like having a medium-rare steak, but one of them was seasoned with salt & pepper, while the other one had garlic and butter. i enjoy the tuning no matter if it’s in open back/iem : i enjoy steak no matter if it’s cooked with S&P or garlic & butter is what i’m trying to say.


@hawaiibadboy did you listen SPEAR Labs ASL 4.5 or Fender Mix Pro?

I appreciate your demos keep it up!


If I could find them I’d buy them. I just see a pre order at Jaben

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Thanks for the trust bro :pray:
I love steak :drooling_face:

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I saw it on Let’sgo and Soundwave audio website

Lets go is Hong Kong only it seams and Soundwave does not have that version

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@hawaiibadboy that’s a pretty sweet looking stand, got a link for that?

FiiO DK 3

Comes with M17


Damn, I think I have had laptops smaller than that :rofl:

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Yeah it’s big…and heavy.
Semi portable.


M17 looks a real beast!!!
Cheaper an more powerful than M9 that cost more!