Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Shanling …man…crazy.

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Really eager to try the TRI TK2.


@hawaiibadboy DM.

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I just picked up both of those iems this week myself. Super surprised at how good they sound considering their cost.



I have never felt a device (TRI TK2) that feels this cheap and expensive at the same time lol.

This is a really neutral sound as has been reported. There’s not much to say about it. It gives power and control to whatever you plug into it which translates to a more mature and refined sound overall.

I think I would have liked a bit more resolution still but overall I’m quite pleased.

Will be back with a comparison between DQ6 and T3+.

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Just checked out the specs on that thing. It looks kinda awesome but at the same time pointless. It costs more than my entire desktop setup, I just can’t ever see myself being able to justify that pricetag on a portable, especially such a bulky one. The size kinda defeats the purpose, no? Also, they’re really pushing it as a desktop setup, but like I said, if you just go pure desktop you can get those features at a much lower cost. I just don’t get who this is for. Rich people who just want cool toys I guess.

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People that travel can see a use case in this kind of stuff, for example: they can have a good sound without having to bring their desktop app with them.

What I don’t understand is the need of a dap instead of a portable DAC: you pay for a generally bad Android integration just to be able to get the same apps as your Android phone (streaming apps, uapp,…).


When I see the M17, I would guess the idea behind is : “what about having the Cayin C9 and a DAP together?”
Considering the success of the C9, it is a relevant approach.
if you are into IEM only, for sure the M17 is a questionable purchase.
If you want something for Headphones and IEM, it can become your all-in-one. Moreover if you move from room to room or that you want to carry it with you somewhere. It is a brick, yes, but better than a DAP + C9.

Despite my attempt to defend the “why this product exists” I will end by saying I won’t keep mine cause it is not having the little something that makes me happy to listen to it.

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Unlisted vid.
Going to integrate with review vid somehow :thinking:


It might be overkill for some people but it’s an impressive piece of gear nevertheless.

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Maybe combine it with an ultra budget set like say KZ Zex Pro just to trigger some people :grinning:

Why pay express to sit and wait anyway?
I don’t expect GREAT service. ( That would be dope…amiright?)
Just gimmie what I pay for.

Fedex express is a joke, first moving 3 days across China and then 2 days to destination… DHL by comparison gets delivered in 2,3 days


How thicc was the m17 if someone ask, I’d reply with this meme below

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Jerry Harvey’s Company is a joke.

I love the vids where he talks about and shows the IEM internals…he seems cool.
But the 2 mails I have sent have got zero replies.
If it were in stock it woulda shipped so this is a Pre-Order :thinking:

Audio46 sends stuff and never sends any mail that it’s on it’s way :man_facepalming:

Andrew at Musictek does none of this B.S.

That dude is a pro

Says nothing about made to order

Lots of info on JH about Jerry, Jerry’s rights, Jerry’s trademarks, more about Jerry and is ability to do and change anything at anytime

AND NOT A FUCKING THING aout how to cancel an order.

Dear Jerry,

That’s a Pre-Order. That’s what you are doing and being clever about.


We are no more in a time when you can cheat customer about stock, or shipping time. Unless you are very specific it is a preorder or crowdfunded project.

To not indicate it takes 20 days to produce before purchase is the best way to piss off the customers and impact how they will talk about your brand.

The example of Musictek is perfect, I order from him rather than any other place each time I can.


Wake up this morning and get my usual very fast heads up that a Musictek item is shipping.
I just wish he sold everything :sweat_smile:

I would like to clarify that this is not a pre-order, …therefore a made to order item, so there’s no shelf stock.

Ludwig von Broski
Leonardo Brovinchi’

That’s a PRE Order


Limited and made to order are two different concepts. One doesn’t imply the other :slight_smile:
But even if it is not a Pre-order, it is a “made to order” and should be listed as such with the usual delay for production.

I love when people are trying to justify a bad experience instead of just saying “yes we fucked up, here is what we can do”



Dan Clark Audio did the same limited units stuff and I waited weeks.
Finally cancelled after they flippantly told me it would be 2 more weeks
Then get a mail saying they talked to the owner and I could get to the front of line
*yeah fuck everyone in front of me :man_facepalming:
I tried to cancel again
My Fiance was going through Cancer treatment at that time.
Guy, Dan Clark’s #2 man basically sends a mail saying “your Finace’s problem is not our problem”
Sold an unused Stealth here in Japan at a huge loss just to get rid of it.
Stealth was $4000
EE EVO was $3,1000
JH is $1,600

These high priced companies have some horrific manners and service.
Jack Vang got so butt hurt I crapped on EVO he never sent me the covers.

I’m in a good mood today.
This is just bizarre stuff