Dunno for you, but the loose buttons on the RU6 are driving me a tiny bit insane.
it is the kind of details I know I need to work on!
I just sold my Timeless today, and the guy in the store was asking me if they were wireless.
So… I guess Timeless are very unknown in Japan.
They do look wireless
That lack of familiarity is making them ripe to get played, though most J Audiophiles are savy and will notice it costs 1/2 as much elsewhere with the help of any search engine.
Most folks outside Japan probably think Yahoo is mostly dead.
Nnnnope. Yahoo is still going strong
That nozzle looks long af. They must be listening to customers.
Yeah it’s going to fit A LOT better than MAX
T5S is an energetic V but I forgot since so many have come out.
Build is fantastic and soundis …lively. It will get a review
an expensive lesson:
Fiio K9pro + Cayin RU6 is more logical than M17 for cheaper, the end.
Edit: added a visual
What is that USB c cable…loooks dope!!
Same exist for Lightning to USB C.
I love them, of course they end up dying after a while, but slower than regular cables.
They are fucking expensive, coming with a nice box I destroy each time within a minute. #sorrytrees
Take a month or two to arrive, so I keep buying few to have a stock.
Have you tried with Cayin RU 6?
yes, I exclusively use these cables for mobile. I like the grip and shiny of the connector.
I will absolutely not say they sound better! but I just like them.
Working great with RU6. The RU6 has some weird behavior when you change volume or any activity from the phone can make it clip, but I don’t think it is cable related, most likely the R2R integration.