Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)


Really enjoyed the detailed analysis on this one, especially what it’s not good at. Since I don’t care so much about the downside, it’s definitely of interest to me. Out of my budget for now, but maybe something for the future. Still enjoying the FH3 based mainly on your recommendation!


Appreciate the trust. Main thrust of Spectogram will be used to highlight weak point as EVERYTHING…has a weak point. Thanks for watching :pray:

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You madman.


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WTF… you mostly have to sign before you can open a package :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Exactly. I didn’t notice this till I was slicing the box…kind of a “Chicken and Egg” situation. How…in the fuuuu…can I open before I sign because Japan Post is not going to allow that. Lucky it turned out fine

That’s total BS! A customer spends that much money, and they won’t even take care of them?

Anyways, ENJOY!

Yea thats some grade A bs

Wouldn’t hold up the CC company or Bank would just reverse the charge if they shipped you the wrong thing or something that was broken.

Did you really buy it or was it sent to you for a review? Cause dropping 6 grand on a headphone without the proper/recommended source gear isn’t gonna give ya the best experience,

Hanko aren’t signatures. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I got a HeadAmp GS-X mk2 in a box. I’m not going to be without options.
Bought my Susvara from HiFiman Japan via Amazon.
Full price.


@hawaiibadboy I liked the latest video

It was honest and a good insight. I think it was a good choice to make something like that.


I can make money easy and talk to girls easy. Focus on things for hours. Complete tasks without rest, food or other.
It really is hard on personal relations that I am not completely interested in. Cannot fake being interested to save my life :sweat_smile:


You know what, I’ve been thinking and wanted to get this out there to you @hawaiibadboy. I like ya, not my fav reviewer due to our differences in preference, but I like ya. Gonna say this here because Youtube comments… eh.

For a while, I’ve always been struggling with some form of mental issues. A lot of it has been behavioral and such, but there’s always been a thread of something else kinda fucking things up. Back when I first got into college, I lived with an older Marine who was studying to become a nurse, and he asked me if I had Asperger’s. I knew of it, but kinda didn’t think much.

Then some of my closests friends found a bit odd at times. Even by best friend asked me if I felt I made people feel uncomfortable around me. And it always seemed like the more social I became, the more people seemed to disagree with me on a social level. That blinding of social cues and such. I always felt that maybe because of my sheltered childhood that I had troubles syncing with folks.

I’ve always been one of those “jack of all trades, master of none” sort of people. I quickly become an expert on subjects I’m interested, invest a ton of time in them, and when I’m on a mission I DO THE MISSION without stopping. Audio, diet and fitness, sewing, cooking–name it, I got it down. I don’t go without eating for days on end, but I can invest a ton of mental energy into it all.

I dunno… your video got me thinking, and I’m going to read into Asperger’s for a bit. Same with you, I kinda don’t give a shit about what people think of me. I’ve got money, a loving girlfriend (who is also Japanese, but she’s also a bit iffy in the head, similar social cue issues and focus, but that’s why we get along so well), and I’m fine in life. And I have friends who love me dearly, and enemies the same.

Thank you. For speaking out, regardless of the push or whatnot. It’s got me thinking. If I do, if I don’t, kinda doesn’t matter, but might give me insight. Thank you.

Also, everyone has their issues. Same with the guys who threatened you; someone’s gotta have problems if they think they can pressure others like that. I’m not saying this to get angry at them; pity them. If someone would be that angry over such little things to wish harm upon others… they’re the ones who have problems, are hurt, and need help.


Yup, I know that mode. Works great in Money making which my mind thought was the almighty till I did it then rubbed it in folks faces who doubted me… then they said it ACTUALLY wasn’t all about money. What’s the metric? (odd question to many) …tell me so I can win please. “It’s the happiness in your heart”…Nah, you were talking about cash 4 years ago now you change? They were right but their word change devalued themselves in my unique mind.

Yeah, we are brothers :laughing:
Never been invited onto a livestream or podcast or anything like that. My friends will go to extremes for me…and me for them. We are blessed :innocent: