Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

That’s such a creative contest. Awesome, kudos.

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Getting ready for the games. This is going to be cool as hell


You gonna or not?..


Mmmm, maybe no :sweat_smile:


Yeah glad too, and first thing i stumbled upon was a qudelix 5K for sale.
For a moment there i thought ill finally get to have one after 2 years shilling it over every chance i get(not hard considering the features it has).
But alas, after waiting for 2 days for a reply from the guy, turns out it was sold. Felt like a kid waiting for cristmas, and then getting coal. And i was a good boy i tell ya.

SOMEONE SELL ME A 5K, STAT :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:


Weird - I seem unable to join HBB’s Discord successfully. Any Discord gurus able to help - as accepting invite looks like it works but then I just get bounced out. High possibility of user error at my end though.

Does the invite link expire after a certain amount of time?

You can set the expiration time and number of uses for the invite. I would assume they created the invite with setting to never expire and unlimited uses.

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Yo that looks dope. Was holding out on the Ms but might give it a shot this time. I’m curious about the resolution tho. How does the lava stack up against the Monarch MK2 or the original EJ07?

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Will drop tonight or tomorrow.


Am I doing it wrong if the only section I see on the left is # general-sfw?

Maybe one of the only places so far I feel like I’m “feeling my age” is that a lot of how Discord works, and its layouts, go right over my head! I might be missing something simple, or maybe there is just one big category on the server?


you are in now :beers:

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That costs more than the first 3 cars I owned, combined… :grimacing:


Is it the Arya Stealth magnets?
I am looking for one with such a gold mod

Edit: got my answer after I decided to stop being lazy and search 30 sec.

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That looks like some serious deep insertion. Just say’n…


I have the 7Hz Timeless and absolutely love it. It is at the absolute apex of my treble tolerance, would the S12 be too much for my tastes ( not so much R’n’R, more EDM and Indie)?

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If you love Timeless you must be getting a good fit?
If so. Just enjoy Timeless.
That treble is not skewing anything like BA’s might.

Same as my Shuoer EJ07


I think i will get one of the first #100 :black_heart::blue_heart:

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I have BNIB focus edm for $130 if you’re in need. Cross posted in the buy/sell here and on r/AVexchange