that definitely has my interest at that price.
ThieAudio has a new headphone coming! I’m a Thie shill, but this is exciting!
I like the name too, just hope the sound signature isn’t as menacing
I ordered a set today but had it sent to my address in Spain as Im moving back there so I won
t get to try it for a few weeks. I hope they sound as good as they look. I have a sweet Fengru purple cable to match them with.
BTW good call on the Raptgo Hook X. You were dead on there, brilliant set, sounds better than my Teas. I heard a rumour that you were going to do the tuning on a planar. That
s something I would definitely give a try.
Do you plan on releasing video on M15 dongle or dongles in general in near future?
Yes, am doing vids for everything now…starting now
That can literally mean everything But I see you are releasing vids like crazy
I found that the bass was missing with Spring tips but with Spinfit CP100 and CP360 the bass is really good.
The Questyle M15 is excellent. It is the clearest most transparent dongle DAC I have ever tried. It has loads of power both on SE and 4.4mm.
I would highly recommend it.
I am just wondering how it compares in SQ against DAPs of similar 200-350$ range or cheap desktop DAC/AMPs or stacks like Topping E30/L30, SMSL SU-6/SH-6 or DX3pro+.
Nevertheless, I bought both M15 and 2nd hand DX3pro+ for my desktop work use (IEM/powered speakers) and they would fight. There can be only one who’d survive
Have you heard the cayin c9? Is it worth the purchase?
Is indigo worth the upgrade over mest mk2 in your opinion?
I have think i have cayin but not opened. Indigo is an upgrade to MEST MKII but it’s small improvements for a bit more cash. Diminishing returns but I do prefer Indigo
Trying to decide if c9 is better than ifi signature. I tried diablo too. IMHO signature much better than diablo
this kinda sucks beause the spring tips are actually some of the best tips for me as they are more comfortable and sticky compared to others… like final tips fall out of my ears fairly easily and spinfits are fine but i also wonder if i got the wrong size not knowing (i should be a medium but i didn’t get an 100 but a 145)
i dunno what tips to try because tips cost a decent amount
And they do change the sound quite a bit, too!
I like the spring tips too, but they generally are too small and short. I don’t know if the size is linked to that, but they treat the low frequencies differently than my other tips.
Nice iem bro… I mean leds