Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Man that does look good :yum: I don’t think anyone sells anything like that in the UK so might have to try out the recipe :+1:

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Walk into a 7/11 in Hawaii grab 1 Terichicken musubi, 1 boiled egg and a passion fruit flavor drink in double gulp size and i’m ready to surf.
Trymaking that …it’s the grindz. Ono that one :ok_hand:

Try making “Potroast pork” Hawaiian style



I’ve been watching these earwax irrigation videos on YouTube and the first few seconds of seeing that pic I thought it was a chunk of earwax :rofl:

Man lockdown’s hit you hard lol.


I learned the hard way not to clean your ears with q-tips, like I though they were specifically designed to clean your ears with. I went deaf to one ear and had to have it flushed with a big ol’ high water pressure cleaning thing (not a manual one like this man uses) and when that thing came loose, it did not feel good I tell you. Didn’t wear in ears for like a month after that.

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Los Angeles has been on severe lockdown for a year and still going strong…tis crazy!

Still waiting for lockdown to finish here too buddy, me be like…


Back on topic @hawaiibadboy you starting to dig headphones over IEM’s now or is it just to add more and diverse content to your social media outlets…when you chill and not reviewing what do you prefer?

Not many iem releases lately though. Thats probably one factor for the headphone content lately.

I’m enjoying the headphones and community. Different vibe.
IEM are my main but I’d like it to be a 50/50 split.
50% IEM
50% Headphones and desktop amps.

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Curious to see what you think of the Kennerton. Don’t get too many of them here in the states.


Def awaiting this

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Can you please take a picture of it side by side with the Blessing 2 ?

thank you, :pray:


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I’m already about to order a CIEM version. I wanted to know before that commitment.
Now I know…time to go

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@hawaiibadboy I see that you are measuring how loud your headphones get, do you know a way to do this with IEMs? I would like to protect my hearing a bit for long term, but I can’t tell if the volume is too loud and would like to measure somehow

Just ordered a custom molded tip set to put on any universal IEM.

Any experience or opinion on using a custom mold tip and buying the universal version, versus buying the custom fit version?

I have nevr tried that tip. I know what you are talking about butI’ve never tried.

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