Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Couple of extra hours with Kai.

  • I have huge driver flex in both sides. I cannot say on side of my head with them :frowning: how are yours?
  • when I started with some vocal centric very rich sounding tracks (in terms of quantity-of-details-recorded like newest Nick Mulvey, Fiona Apple etc) I felt like I have some partial loss of hearing. Olina never gave me that feeling. I started having regrets of selling it (it was due to the money put in audio at that point, fit and comfort). I was disappointed a bit and started looking for some alternatives.

But, but!


Crazy post timing.

I just decided to ditch my ranking system
I was not consciously thinking that but, after breaking down like a review into bass/mid/treb etc…
the whole thing changed.

It now actually matches my thinking and i just changed the way of looking at the same thing

You had paralysis by analysis then said fuck it…play that music.
I was chillin with my ranks, and now am in paralysis mode. This will take months.
I have hundreds of sets not even on my list yet…so much work
1st world probs


Nothing wrong with taking a step back when gaining a new perspective!

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I don’t understand anything about your new board.
I had you on a pedestal. One of my favourite reviewers.
I thought what you were saying was consistent. This board has completely changed my perception.

Iems that were up are now down and vice versa, bad scores on iems that were good, etc etc etc.
Of course more inconsistency between youtubers on certain models.
What a mess!!!

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The backlog is so huge.
There are so many sets that are above what I would call a “B” that everything below wont even be rec’d.

Stuff from $20 and up is just getting crazy good. If QC is ever nailed by anyone in budget t will be pretty epic.


Crazy times, my man. I’ve been contemplating “The State of The Hobby” and what I want out of my setup versus how I enjoy my music, and I think that there’s going to be a great culling of my collection soon. Too much time spent chasing the dragon and not enough time just enjoying what I have.


I totally agree. I haven’t been involved the hobby for too long but it seems like manufacturers are producing at an unsustainable rate. It seems like consumers are starting to fall into camps where they follow some set of reviewers whose listening habits most align with theirs and try a handful of recommended IEMs before they go “I think I’m good for a while”.


The unfortunate part of the hobby is that, unless you live in specific regions where you can demo what you want or make it to frequent meet-ups, all you have is someone else’s word or taking the plunge. Combine that with a post-Amazon sense of instant consumer gratification and New Toy Syndrome, and unless a company reliably churns out expensive trash, it really IS sustainable. I have tried to do my part, between loaning out units and selling what doesn’t get used often at reasonable prices, but there’s only so much anyone can do. The good news is that we’re still in a price:performance renaissance, and expensive units consistantly come down on the second-hand market within a year or so of releases. I’m gonna cut some killer deals when I shed weight, because you can’t take it with you and anyone in this hobby to make money is a fool :wink:
Like @hawaiibadboy always says, “It’s all about THE MUSIC!”


This is a “yes-and-no” thing. I agree that it should feel like this pace is not sustainable because there are so many new sets our heads spin.

However…the thing the hobby does best is endlessly hype the next big thing. There is such a sense of FOMO that people have. Even HBB, who has collabs that are literally his tuning preference of sets he loves would keep other sets besides his collabs.

I think unless you unplug from the forums and following influencers, there is no getting out of the hobby. And I think it’s because of the never-ending pace. There’s always something new to want


All I want to do, at this point, is finding sets that I do not have to EQ/mod to get my best sound, and keep a sub-$300 budget.

Everything else is just playing in the hobby, which can be fun. But the goal for me is find the gear that makes the music enjoyable


Just get poor.

After i got myself Kinda Lava i’m so low on “hobby” money so i can’t get myself new IEMs even if i want to. Plus, even if I really get hyped over something, I will rationalize for a long time about why I need another IEM in the same price range or even cheaper, so the whole hype will wear off. So i’m just enjoying forum discussions and influencer content without bothering much about my wallet getting too thin.


This is all that matters; everything else is a luxury. I have gear that I can be done with from $100 all the way up to $1000, my excuses for keeping more than one set are variety and sentimentality.

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This is why I say it’s unsustainable. I’m betting that people who frequently buy the lastest release and reviewers like HBB are in the super small minority of consumers who buy these IEMs . Just look at how many unique people post on head-fi and here. I gotta imagine it’s < 1000.

You can’t sustain a whole industry but having a couple thousand people buying new IEMs every week or two. Eventually people run out of money so it becomes a one in one out situation (like it is with me now). The used market doesn’t help manufacturers either.

You’re low right now…but eventually you’ll be back LOL


The thing about this argument is that the Internet forum community covers such a small percentage of the real audio market. We’re just the loud and obvious corner of the hobby.

It’s the same thing with TVs, where the AV community goes to war over which specs are 3% better in the flagship TVs, and the best selling tv is the entry-level 55" model at $500 because that’s what the average person can walk into Best Buy and be sold at that budget and it’s good enough.

We’re the loud minority, where millions of people will never even know there’s a $6500 set of IEMs when they just want a $20 set that doesn’t fall out of their ears and doesn’t sound TERRIBLE


I feel like you made my argument for me. It’s the vocal minority that are buying every new release where most people may buy one or two IEMs in a year if not multiple years.

Most electronic companies (TVs included) drop a new lineup once a year. Some IEM companies are dropping new IEMs like once a month (looking at you 7Hz). Plus it seems like there are a lot more IEM manufacturers than there are TV manufacturers so the number of potential IEMs in the market is so much more.

Here in the US there are maybe a handful of TV models that are in the $500 price range. I can’t even count how many IEMs are in the < $100 price range and that’s not including models from the previous years which are still competitive.

Until you remember that 11.11 is the single biggest shopping day on the planet and the market for earphone/headphone tech geared to that. The music listening audience is WAY bigger than we give it credit for, beyond our little corner. At the end of the day, they don’t pump all all these IEM’s every month for their own generosity or boredom.

Plus it’s easier to justify splurge purchases in a product that can release this quickly and cheaply. I bought 2 tvs last year and I’m not going to look at buying a tv again for up to 5 years. I bought 4 IEMs at Black Friday/Christmas, just bought 3 in the last month, and I can’t lie and say I won’t buy anything at 11.11. Do I need them? Nope. Does it matter? Also, nope.

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Well I was looking at the list. The Clar is 730 the Variations are 520. Nice to see the Oracle up where it belongs.

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I have multi-kilobuck iems. The most enjoyable has been the sony ex8000st. Everything sounds so much like it does when you’re listening to music in real life…

They’re more enjoyable to me than mest mk2, lx, xenns up etc… Not better, just more engaging to me with the tape mod, huge stage and open back sound.

Outside they sound even bigger imho. Because of the open back sound.


Why the fir xe6 ranking so low? Just curious i never heard them. I was thinking of purchasing them but I’m more than happy with ex800st.

But why the ranking so low for them on your list? What do they do wrong?