Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Bass is so dominating the mids are hard to enjoy. I may adjust stuff later. It is a basshead set for sure. Great technical ability but you need to try and catch stuff over the din of the bass

Totally dwarfs even the EE Legend X


Welcome to my struggle as well. This is the reason my rankings are still a WIP and keep micro adjusting over time… And I still haven’t touched the preference/bias column yet.

And then you get 1000 more questions and blames :slight_smile: Good times, 1st world reviewer problems


There is a tidal wave of smut and sex on Tik Tok and a sparring video is gruesome and shocking? Really?


Interesting. For me the bass is the most forgettable thing about Annihilator. I also think its technicalities is a step above Z1R


Curious? Why the sony ex8000st lower on your list?

That and many others. They’ve gone up and down overnight. You rely on a youtuber for what?

The point is that it’s no longer just that you have to find a headphone reviewer that suits your tastes, but also that they don’t change their mind so drastically.

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Why wouldn’t someone change their mind though? Just because they thought something was TOTL in say, 2019, they’re not allowed to move it down when the hobby has advanced by light years in 3 years?

Or something you didn’t vibe with, you come back to it and find a special sauce in it. Just because you didn’t like it before, you can’t change your mind and say it’s good now?

Get out of here with that mess. I’d rather someone change their opinion, if they have a reason they can articulate that gives me new information.


It is very easy. For those who can afford to spend 2000 euros per month in iems there will be no problem with the changes.
For the rest of the people, I think that being a reviewer of a certain fame in the world is mandatory to have professionalism because there are a lot of people who trust your opinions and spend money on something.

Of course you can change your mind. You can move up and down categories. That was done in your list to a lesser extent.

And no, don’t be fooled. We’re not talking about 2019 iems. At least I am. We’re talking about iems like timeless (late 2021) for example. Now below. Others above.
Recommendations of the same now are a “bad iem” or “average iem”…


Using the Timeless as the example: Last year, there were not a lot of planar IEM recommendations to be had at all. The P1 Plus is the only planar I heard multiple reviewers have positive things to say about, before Timeless came out. And not only did Timeless have a great reputation, but it did it at a price point that was unheard of. Yes, it got hyped.

Since late-2021, we’ve seen what, 6 new planar IEMs come out that had pre-production or early release hype on them. And they’ve slowly inched the price point below the Timeless, while having their own flavors that may or may not be better than Timeless but there is a huge variety of options now. No DUH people’s opinions about where Timeless stacks up has changed. It’s not that people say “Timeless sucks”, but if you have options then people are going to have opinions, including but not limited to “Timeless was great when it had the market to itself, but these other sets have now entered the conversation.”

Heck, Aria was a beast hype train even 6 months ago, and now the evolution of the hobby has passed it by. You don’t believe me? Then ask Moondrop why they already dropped a new Aria, with an updated tuning and completely different driver technology. You don’t have to like it, but that is the reality of the IEM game.


Since you’ve focused on Timeless, I’ll make it even simpler for you.
Less than 5 days ago it was top10.
Now it’s top 89.

It’s the only one. No. There are many more.
I’m not going to get into the debate. This is not debatable.


I think he’s a great reviewer, but you do have a point. For example he said Mest was better than z1r in every way but now z1r is ranked higher.

I remember another video he said one of unique melody all ba iems were better than Trailli, now they’re at the bottom. That iem was very expensive. I think it was the Fusang. What if i bought that iem off that recommendation and I’m not rich. I would be pissed :sweat_smile:

Just one or two adjustments is understandable, but not a complete overhaul.

Cinnacle’s list seems to be more consistent but i prefer bggar as a reviewer. Just not so quick to pull the trigger on his multi-kilobuck recs. If something is on Amazon, it doesn’t matter if i can easily get a refund.


Seriously, grown adults buying an item which will be subjective to each person, and then buying that item, and then the person who recommended them doesn’t rate them so highly anymore and now the problem is the person who recommended them?! I’m flabbergasted that what the person who bought them thinks of the item isn’t the most important thing here?!



That doesn’t make sense.

Arguably, the main purpose of reviewers have been to rec or recommend iem that their audience didn’t hear. If we could hear every iem before purchasing it, we wouldn’t need reviewers that much

Not giving reviewers constructive criticism makes us no different than apple fan boys.


Companies releasing new products not because they want to release new products and show everyone how awesome it is, but because they want to make profit. And sometimes it doesn’t even matter if product is good, bad or “evolutionary”. It’s not evolution - it’s business.


How can you hold someone to their subjective opinion?! Isn’t that the whole point and risk we take as buyers?!

Again. Your logic makes no sense and you’re contradicting yourself.

If what you’re saying is true, how can you hold us to our subjective opinion that ratings shouldn’t drastically change within 1 day?

The point of credible reviewers is to minimize risks.


Two things that you do not seem to address:

1). Does his “it’s still in progress and has SO MUCH MORE to do to be accurate” excel sheet rankings invalidate your own personal subjective experience, if you’ve even listened to the set youself?

2). Do these rankings invalidate the reviews he’s actually given for the sets, where you can listen to him explain what the sets do to the music he listens to, and what his opinion of those are?

Cause in my opinion, the answer to both of those questions is no. The question for you is if you think it does, why?


But HBB is free to do what he chooses with HIS rankings. Create your own rankings, enjoy your iems. Regardless if he’s a reviewer or not, he’s beholden to his own judgements, not yours dude