Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Get off his sac. U guys ride the d harder than Vanessa Delrio.

Ride him any harder, u gettin pregnant. Than we don’t have to worry about rankings, bggar too busy paying child support to u fan girls.


To be fair most of the rankings have stayed the same or similar… except the Timeless dunno wtf happened to that one LOL, but eh, I never liked that set to begin with anyways, treble issues at higher volume, thin vocals, light note-weight, lacked 3D when it came to staging, was overhyped like the Aria imo. But bruh @hawaiibadboy I remember you had the Monarch MK2 in the same tier as the Z1R and MEST when it came out, and then a few months later it went down a few tiers and now it’s back up but below them. What was the thought process there homeboi just curious :joy:


The midbass, all the 5’s are same type which is not mine.
MKII is otherwise when broken down like I am doing, a high scorer and has fantastic detail score.


Is xba-z5 better than ex800st?

I think it is. Does not hit as hard but the bass hits hard and super tweeter is done well (not sreaming trebs.) They did a great job. I will put it in a vid soon. Classic set


hawaiibadboy, you wrote same pros/cons and same price for both Thieaudio Oracle/Clairvoyance.

It’s a work inprogress moving left to right and top down.
Thanks for heads up. :raised_hands: There is a lot of stuff that needs fixing

Best $20 “V” set eva

Sounds like a live show…standing between bass amp and lead vocal amp…dead center


Now it looks like it’s your turn to publish your collabs. The survey is clear.

@VIVIDICI_111 Both are not the only one. I can give you the example of the Raptgo which was ahead of oracle / Clairvoyance and was the best value for money. Not anymore.
The same Mangird Tea was at the bottom, now it’s at the top… So many examples. Well it is what it is.
It’s time to look for a new reviewer, although there is also one here in the forum that looks like I made that list hahaha, or do my own ranking…

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Alright, keep on stepping dude


I have to:
Arrange by Bass - Mids - Treble - Tonality - Technicality (First)
Add a bias score because i just prefer some sets to others for reasons that cannot be attributed to those 5 criteria (Second)

Add about 200 earphones that are not even on the list (Third)

Repeat first 2 steps for those sets.

Add comments and notations that are up to date (Fourth)

Break sections into (basshead friendly) (Fifth)

Headphones section (Sixth)

Sources (Seventh)

And finally, give some explanation about the sets in the Garbage section because it warrants and explanation.

This all should be done by Christmas.

If there has ever been a work in progress, it’s a thing on step 1 outta many. Anyone tripping before a final listings is kinda nutz.


I honestly have no idea where you find the time for all this! Review upon review, lists, measurements, work, and still have time to go out and throw punches until you pass out from heatstroke :grin:

I struggle to find time to do a review a week (well, two lately because I am so far behind) but kids do that to you… just sayin’ :wink:


I’m about to live that life in January.
Baby is due.
That’s why I have to get this sorted by Christmas :sweat_smile: :face_exhaling:


Talking about how things move so quick in this hobby is the Acoustune HS1670SS still considerd a worthwhile DD iem.


I was going to tell you to stop being childish, but that’s an insult to every 8 year old. It’s pretty pathetic, bro


I have been off the grid because I am in the midst of a big move. I am escaping LA, and going back home, to Omaha. We decided to drive it, and side note Las Vegas to Denver has some pretty amazing views.

Back to the point, I only took two IEMs with me, the OG Tea, and the Tri x HBB Kai. I have to say that I am really impressed with the KAI. It really is that perfect middle ground on Mele and Olina. Kai has become my favorite under $100, and I really like Olina.


Olina and Kai are almost like Yin and Yang; between the two of them, everyone could find something to love!


Good for you man. Cali is spiraling outta control.
Enjoy some fresh air and cheaper taxes :money_with_wings:

It’s been a few since I heard those, maybe someone else can chime in.
I hate “Going by memory” so I’ll not.

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I received the Kai yesterday and am looking forwards to listening to it.

This will actually be the first HBB collab. that I get to hear (not counting the KZ fiasco).