Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

The gift that keeps on giving (KZ) :melting_face:


I wonder if they corrected the glue issue. I could be tempted if they did, but since I canā€™t know for sureā€¦

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DQ6s stomps on the latest FOTM

My graph looks like their s and always has.

Some graph rigs are messed up pretty bad and then ā€¦KZ
and thenā€¦more KZ (Glue)
That whole thing sucked


In not sureā€¦ Why showing the graph? Was it supposed to be a Collab too?

It may be language barrier striking here, but I donā€™t get the point (except for ā€œkz sucksā€ , of course :sweat_smile: )

No, my graph of DQ6s matched KZ perfect but some measures on squigs were odd and not related to KZ but more the calibration of reviewers mics.

And like DQ6s the AS16 pro graphs are all over the map.

KZ issue is magnified by chaotic measurement variants

Just to add more confusion, here are my squigs of the twoā€¦


Your mic is pretty close to mine and /KZ actually :v:

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Loving the Kai a great lay back and enjoy the the music for hours without any fatigue kinda iem. Very pleasing with classic Rock. Another great set @hawaiibadboy


Thanks man :raised_hands: :beers:


Me reading some shared DM about me on Discord.

I know I rub some of them wrong but yikesā€¦ :sweat_smile:


Fuck them - canā€™t please everyone


Extremely well put :ok_hand: :musical_note:


@hawaiibadboy haters gonna hateā€¦ My mantra, scroll on, cut the Oxygen, sound donā€™t travel in a vacuum.

OK. Iā€™m looking at used/2nd hand iems on ebay roughly Ā£300 mark found 3 Acoustune HS1670SS, fiio FA7s and Magird Tea.

Looking for more details but still some bass and sub base thump
What is the consensus on the best experience for Classic rock/Americana/hip hop

I also like a good build quality. I have big ears actually Iā€™m big 6ft 5inch so size not an issue


Agreed, when we left we were renting a house, in Santa Clarita, that was nearly 1 million when it was purchased a few months earlier. We bought a really cool older house in Omaha for just over 1/4 the money.


@hawaiibadboy We use this in my office at work all the time. Sort of relevant to the DMs.



I had more time yesterday cuz an off day of training and no vid work and so,
I walked into Discord up to my neck.
Got sent a screen cap of a guy who was chatting with me in public that very moment. from another person.
I was getting ripped to shreds. :sweat_smile:
So reading that and engaging with him like we were friends was just such an internet moment.
Then a buncha stuff got dropped in my DM.
Some of it related to my collabs and doing certain things


1 of the guys i totally expected as he has pissed off folks because of defending a sketchy company to point of absurdity.

The other 2? Kinda blew my mind.

I share this cuz itā€™s a riot ( confirms a lot about what folks think about the narratives in this hobby being driven by emotion level of respect for influencer and company and less about the gear)
Itā€™s worse than you imagine.

I teach Japanese Girls and yesterday as I am teaching a Japanese high School girl she is complaining about the dynamics of (girl friend circles)ā€¦typical coming of age H.S. stuff

And damn if it wasnā€™t almost the exact same things going on in DM by adult menā€¦with childrenā€¦about jealousy cuz a guy they were not feelin was getting that love.
So **** me apparently??

I ainā€™t mad.
I am baffled that folks think that wonā€™t come out.
And if you donā€™t care, just say it direct.

I think the bar for being a good Father is quite low if these guys are any example. You are ready to focus on real stuff and real life and say what you really think or your still a child trapped in an adult meat suit.

I will teach my son to speak his mind, to the people on his mind, and look them in the eyes when doing so.

I hope everybody enjoys their weekend. A particular shout out to all the ladies. :sparkling_heart: :laughing:


Being a father is easy. Raising kids to become good human beings is the difficult part.


I am going to do my best to teach my son to be #1 at everything he does. Not being a overbearing task master is my challenge


Moondrops 1st headphones


I just moved from Santa Clarita. Ha! Still live in California though.

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