Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Amazon won’t do something like that lol, I would just have to return it completely but it’s okay I have cables so fortunately I don’t have to do that

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I disagree they replaced the right
Timeless Iem without cables as cables were good

Bought the topping e30 2 and l30 2 stack. Sounds phenomenal, especially with mest mkii.

For context, this $300 setup hammers my $2000 fiio m17.

This setup is the cleanest clearest i ever heard.

Also i thought it would be boring because it ranks so good on paper but it’s actually very musical and fun imho


Can you recommend open back basshead headphone?


Stunning Black :sunglasses:

Black Panther :x:
Black Turtle :white_check_mark:


Honestly I am not a big fan of the surface finish (as OG looks stunning with this marble like faceplate), but who cares. If the tuning would be improved as you mentioned in the video this is an instant buy for me :slight_smile:

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Honestly… I AM a huge fan of the matt finish, so hurray for me :partying_face:.

Need graph and comparison to OG Olina.


I like the matt finish aswell, but the design itself and the turtle print looks just a little “meh” not much effort went into this but not too bad either


For some people who prefer a plain, simple, and unobtrusive look // I think they will like this form, including me. Better yet, the cable is black too


I really don’t have any bassy headphones besides Modhouse Audio. I like the HE6seV2 and you can give it a ton of power and EQ and slam your head

What about Sennheiser hd650
HIFIMAN sundara or
beyerdynamic DT 990 Edition 600?

Hd650 is not a bass monster, if you eq up the bass it will likely sound horrible as well since it is a warmer headphone in my experience. The triple driver on ears slam, fostex is go to for entry and midfi for bass tunings. That being said iems can do better at a fraction so these are just my opinions.

Edit:i forgot that dt1990s are pretty good at bass as well, but i have not sampled their lower end series to confirm how good they are.


You could use your m17 as the source for this stack or even use it as a dac into the L30. Try it out, you might enjoy using the M17 as a dac.

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none of those really do bass (unless you put dekoni hybrid pads on the 650 it’s better but not crazy bass)
T50/T60 Argons are really good (semi open)
HE560v4 goes on sale for $200ish once in a while and is up there if you have the power for it


I modded some t20rps and yepp those planar drivers from fostex slam when modded. Their bio dynamic drivers are great at the 400ish $ mark too. Both sets of fostex for me had issues with a peak that hurts my ears so maybe have a way to return if your the same. They are good at what they do though no joke.


YESSSS, I did that and its my favorite hp atm.



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Stock pads or Dekoni?

Stock pads are actually the best in terms of sound. (short distance from driver helps a lot.)

But most people including me with my pretty small ears, find them too small.

I recommend the Shure SHR840 pads or the Denon pads by Geekria:
Closest to stock pads sound while being an upgrade in comfort.