Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Is it known what the BA is in the Maestro Mini? I’m more and more impressed by it. Covers hecka range with good timbre!

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Well that’s exciting! I can’t wait to hear the reviews


Ehhh…They’re using an LCP. That is definitely NOT my favorite DD material.

That’s kinda sus

Why do you dislike it and why would it be sus?

Just something about how it reproduces the upper-mids/treble doesn’t do it…

Oh right, they won’t have the LCP doing full-range. That’s fair

My point was going to be that the thing I didn’t like about Aria and fell out with T3 Plus about is that they’re dull and/or cloudy further up the range. But the driver won’t have to handle that in the Oracle. And I do like it’s bass reproduction. So, I’m wrong. LOL

Thing is though, the way they tuned the T3 Plus at least. Is not how LCP drivers generally sound. Its pretty much a 180 change, because LCP drivers usuall have quite a lot of sparkle up top.

I’m fully willing to concede it’s a “my ears” thing. T3 Plus has a cut in that 6-8k range that hits my ear directly in the area that affects clarity for me (around 6.5-7k).

Aria did nothing wrong, but it had nothing in it that wowed me. So I can’t help but chalk it up that LCP doesn’t do it for me, compared to other types (CNT, bio-types, and DLC are particularly nice to me).

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No, didnt mean that. The T3 Plus implementation of the LCP is definitely not a good one (doesnt bring up the strengths of LCP drivers) and does lack clarity as you say.

Thats due to the tuning they did, not that LCP is bad in general.

I see your point. I haven’t had an experience with LCP, as a full-range driver, that blew my socks off and I conflated that a bit too far. My bad.

I was surprised to see it too because I’ve typically seen it show up in budget sets (Lea, etc), but I’ve never actually heard an LCP (as far as I know!)

I know I love a good biocellulose probably best of all, and typically I’ve been happy with super rigid options like DLC, Beryllium coated, some titanium dome. There are some good graphene and CNT implementations out there too.

Sony did quite good with LCP and the EX1000 and 800ST. Graphs not great but sounds quite nice. great res.


Yes, sony is the brand you think of when you hear LCP. :fire:


Yea LCP is fine by me, but bery and titanium are just golden for me. My favorite bass iems are the oh10(titanium) and ex800st but they are not the same in delivery by default. Ie oh10 is subbass and the sony is better at bass guitar and overall thickness.

Good conversation on the topic btw :slight_smile:

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Just got the blon 03 hearing them for the first time.

They’re phenomenal.

They pretty much murdered any doubts i had that price dictates iem quality. Price means nothing in this hobby.

I feel so sorry for the the people who had blon 03 as their first iem. I bet they were thinking “if this cost $30, for $3000 I’m going to be blown away” :joy::joy::joy:. I’m sure they’re amongst the most disappointed people of anything. Like a person that can’t have an org*zm. :pensive::confused::rage::joy:


Try tip rolling, I found out that there’s better tips than the stock ones.

I for one is one of those people. I thought TFZ 03 will be an upgrade but found Blon03’s timbre and bass thickness better.

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3-4 years ago there was a lot of reviewers who trashed them.
The public listened to other buyers and they sold over 100,000 pairs.
I review stuff but i read and listen to buyers talk :notes: :v:


Yes i got a few tips i use for them. I have the hybrid silicone and memory orange tips works well for them.

I used listen to them on a desktop amp. They don’t have resolution like mest, but they sound detailed and natural. Not as natural as sony ex800st but really good non the less. Sony ex800st might be the most natural sounding iem i ever heard.

I swear an American company would easily sell the blon 03 for $1500 and they would be considered a steal.

They’re not my favorite iem but If i left the hobby with only blon 03 i would be ok.


Before you and Crinacle iems were ranked strictly on price by reviewers. The higher the price, the better the iem was supposed to be.

It was a felony to compare a $1000 iem to a $3000 iem, because obviously the higher priced iem was better. So something like blon 03 was good… For the price… Which meant, it couldn’t compete with multi kilobucks iem. I know a few multi kilobucks iems it beats imho.

I know that’s why you and crinacle get so much hate. You save people from wasting thousands on crappy iems.

I heard an American company complaining about how they can’t make money any more. They did it to themselves being overpriced and having affiliates reviewers that were glorified used car salesmen.

I’m an American and i have zero sympathy. They put their eggs in shill baskets.
They trashed crin before he got big and mocked his graphs.
They trash me then send me “hey HBB!!” mails.
They trust the folks who will take the $2500-$5000 set and do no harm.
They are a business protecting profit so i get it. I don’t feel bad at all though.