Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I was wondering, is there any iem that sounds more natural than sony ex800st?



Who dat? :smirk:


Is that the extra affordable ($35 or something) one, but they’re waiting to sell out of more Meles first before putting it on the market?

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Looks like that wierd shape of the Geek World GK10 … GK22? HBB complete redtune Colaberation! Rise from the ashes oh great Phoenix!

Looks like this:



Maka? Those look like teas, unless it’s the lightning.

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Yeah I saw this pop up on my feed and was having a bit of fun with my warped sense of humor about the GK10 but went back to find it and link to the QKZ it but it disappeared on me. LOL

Welp, it’s done. Olina SE has been ordered. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks man!!


Not gonna lie. I set an alarm on my phone to get it. :rofl: I was concerned I’d get busy with work and forget about it.


I appreciate the trust. It sounds dope. :turtle: :musical_note:

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Funny turtle story…. Last time my wife and I went to Maui, a turtle :poop: right in my face (I was about three feet away) while snorkeling. Had to back paddle fast cause the current kept pushing the :poop: right at me.


I visited Maui a couple times from my home on Oahu. Much more laid back life there.
Oahu has been over built and too crowded for a long time. traffic on H1 going home has always been a PITA

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Ha ha ha! Thank you for the anecdote. Made my day better. :smiley:

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I’ve been to Oahu. Glad I went just to see the place but probably won’t go back. Love Maui. Next is Kaui then the Big Island. Gotta see a volcano at least once in my life.

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Big Island is my fave. Kailua Kona and Hilo are totally different climates on 1 island. Hilo is rainy and Kona is hot and breezy. The volcanoes …devestation trail is pretty dope


Hey my dude! You probably don’t remember but I was asking you a few weeks ago what earphones you would use to listen to a slammer banger of a track such as this! If anyone else cares to share their opinion please do but also just simply have a good listen if you want a big smile on your face. :wink:

Maestro mini


Whoa that’s not an answer I would have thought you’d say! Super curious what had you come to that single conclusion and runner-ups if you feel any. :smile: