Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

T20 has landed. Waiting on Mod kit already padded up


Bought. Looking forward to it. My mele can now rest after it had massive left channel imbalance. Olina SE will be it’s replacement.


Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
Thanks for the trust even after Mele died. :pray: :turtle: :notes:
Looking forward to your thoughts :raised_hands: :hibiscus:


Just put the pre-order in for the DUNU Talos Planar + 2BA with switch between hybrid and pure Planar… Could be interesting

I struggle to see how that works.
Reviews should be interesting.


Graphs tell a lot of the story, but sometimes they lie. The TRN ST5 does not necessarily graph as a bright upper-mid and early treble but it is as bright as sets that measure brighter.

The KBear Rosefinch graphs as an overly bassy hot mess but it actually works (provided you like a warmer, bassy presentation. People who want neutrality…or complete accuracy, to be honest, need not apply).

Agree 100%
Cannot understand how bright that set is by a graph. It left my ears literally ringing and that has not happened in a long time.
Graphs are important but only tell you so much.
Your example set is spot on.
The Moondrop illumination is aset that graphs stable from sub bass to the gain yet it is a warm bassy set which i love.
An LCP driver tuned like that set would maybe be too polite for me.
Many examples of graphs being missleading

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I don’t know whether HBB is still in Japan, but Kagoshima in southern Kyushu is very near Sakurajima, an active volcano that can be seen from anywhere in the city. Unfortunately, Kagoshima will soon be hit by Typhoon Nanmadol which, unexpectedly, has grown to become a very powerful and dangerous storm. People there are currently evacuating. The storm will likely weaken as it moves northeast over Kyushu, then on to western Honshu (Japan’s main island).


heck yeah got my secondhand illumination thinking it would just be a safe tuning but dang they get low when a song calls for it

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I’d be VERY interested in your thoughts on Rosefinch, as a $20 set I imagine would be in your wheelhouse. Gotta love that $20 has really good options for bassy, neutral, and bright to go to these days.

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I wasn’t planning to buy any more IEMs for awhile, but praise for the Rosefinch caught my attention, so Amazon got my $20.

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You’re the third person to say this but my ST5 is bassy af and not bright. I used it for 12h a day, over two days and got zero fatigue, which most iems can do to me given my sensitivity to it. Misteries :person_shrugging:


I didn’t get any fatigue. But using the ST5 right after the TA1 Max, the TA1 Max is flat-out dark and among TRN’s $50-60 options, the ST5 is a lot brighter. But it never crossed the line for me. I found it a good level of treble, honestly

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Oh…I’m about to get SLAMMED!! :cyclone:


Stay safe!


i hope it weakens quickly once it moves over land. Stay safe!

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Lotta work to do but enjoying this


Nice. Add some cotton in the shell as well that will reduce the mid-bass more.

If u want more sub-bass. Put some blutack here:
(on all the “slots” like that one.)
and block the front vents.

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