Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

YES!! IN STOCK FTW :sparkling_heart:

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Looks ā€¦ interesting? That treble region looks to have some extra spice.

Itā€™s starting to look like a formula for clean neutral with sub-bass boost now. Definitely some blurred lines between the new Oracle and the Monarch, instead of being distinct releases/niches.

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In some ways, itā€™s a logical progression since one complaint I did hear about Oracle was itā€™s lack of sub-bass. But yes, it sure wouldā€™ve made more sense to tune the bass more like Excalibur and less like Monarch. Oh wells

I think I could be okay with this, if it comes off warmer and more technical than Crinā€™s set

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I still donā€™t understand what ā€œtechnicalā€ means in terms of audio, used to just be ā€œmore/less detailedā€


Iā€™m not a reviewer or some expert in anyway so take this with a grain of salt, but my understanding of the term ā€˜technicalā€™ in terms of IEMs at least includes perimeters like - detail retrieval, soundstage performance, imaging performance, tuning balance and I guess how natural or unnatural the Timbre is. I could be wrong though.

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I can see that. Technical = killer presentation, noticable imaging/soundstage

But hearing ā€œnatural timbreā€ is to my mind the opposite of technical. I imagine technical as the sound of (for example) BA bass - itā€™s all there but thereā€™s something off about it

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Interesting, I think itā€™s important to develop your own interpretation of ā€˜technicalā€™ for sure. What works for you, may not work for me and so on.

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A technical set is usually described when it presents high levels of technical capabilities, no matter the tuning. What he meant above was a closer tuning but with better technical capability, due to driver count/quality, etc. Example: A Zero with better stage and detail retrieval.

If that makes you simpler for you, think of it like tangibles and intangibles.

Tangibles can be measured, like a FR graph. The tonality is what it is and, if we rule out physical factores like fit and HRTF, itā€™s measurable and agreable.

Intangibles are the ones that canā€™t be measured, and that goes into the techs territory. Stereoimaging, resolving power, dynamics, timbre, coherency, layering, separation, you name it. Itā€™s completly subjective and one of those cases that if you ask 10 people about it, you will get 11 answers.

Timbre is a combination of so many things that some even donā€™t like to talk about it, donā€™t believe in that, or simple canā€™t distinguish it. It does generally go hand in hand with the Tonality, as people who care about it also look for a specific tuning for their library over any other tech.


Well, oracle seems to be a monarch with a little more bass.

From my experience this kind of difference doesnā€™t seem much, but it can have a huge effect in bass quantity perception.

I donā€™t remember the reviews on og Mon and oracle, so canā€™t tell much about an inversion of approach or something.

So I removed the metal nozzle filters from my Hook X since one size broke and woah, the clarity boost that came from the removal was welcome. Iā€™m figuring since it was kinda murky and slightly recessed in the 2-4kHz zone to begin with, it didnā€™t become too much (as in too shouty) to remove the filters.

Anyway, this little acapella clip showcases my favourite thing about the Hook Xā€™s sound - itā€™s immense imaging and expansive stage.


Iā€™ll be watching for impressions of the Oracle MKII, for sure. I owned the Monarch MKII for a couple months (Dec-21 to Feb-22); ended up gifting them to my girlfriendā€™s youngest brother as a sort of college graduation gift.

I actually loved the Monarch MKII tuning as I was specifically looking for a set that could be classified as ā€œreferenceā€™ish with bass boost.ā€ My only issue with it was that the more I used it, the more I noted that itā€™s DD just didnā€™t seem up to the task; just not capable enough, I guess? Hard to articulate.

Anyway, a friend is in the market for an IEM in the $500 - $700 range, so Iā€™ll be paying attention to the Oracle II fro him.


So when is HBBā€™s review of the Oracle MKII coming? :slight_smile:


After Dunu Talos which I am doing now


Nice, great news :slight_smile: Any feedback on the Shanling ME800 yet?

Not yet. Too much switching between planars for last several hours


I completely understand. Looking forward to your feedback on the Talos vs other planars


New NICEHCK NX7 Mark IV is out!

7 Driver Tribrid!

x2 10mm Beryllium coated DDs
x4 BAs
x1 Piezo

Price ā‰ˆ $109 (or $89 when $20 coupon code is applied)

Getting mine close to November.


They sure are pretty :star_struck:
Thank you, HBB. Iā€™ll be diving in tonight!

Edit: Iā€™ve been able to go through a few tracks and I really dig these. First off, they do not look like a $20 set. I think the faceplate and nozzle design is actually really nice. Different flavor than the mele in terms of design, but these fit better for me. A little molded to my ear shape so Iā€™m finding they stay in better, even when Iā€™m chewing or talking on the phone.

They sound great, too. Really laid back sound, but surprisingly, they do not come off as congested as I expected. Iā€™ll be carrying these around for sure.