Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)


Man, really happy you like em. Thanks for the trust :notes: :call_me_hand:


They really do look nice.


Nice easter egg :shushing_face:

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What you think about campfire supermoon? How does it compare to chifi?

Not sure.
If they offer a UIEM I might grab a set.


Is that the Twilight?

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Yes. Pretty sweet

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Moondrop Stellaris Frequency Response graph


Looks a little thin, but I eagerly await the review of that beauty. :grinning:

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Looks like a more balanced/bright set than the other planars, am I wrong? Maybe too much treble?

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Thanks for your review. Do you mind sharing the nozzle size in mm?

I have been crazy busy after my move, between work on the new house, and job hunting. In an nice coincidence the Olina SE showed up about 2 hours after I accepted a new job offer.

I am getting some listening time this morning and they are pretty impressive. I like how they manage to keep the details, while toning down the treble a bit, and they still have really dope bass. I was also impressed that the imaging is still there the way I have come to expect with Olina.

I ordered a pair of QKZ x HBB because I couldnā€™t resist. Sometimes you just want a bit more bass.


Only reason Iā€™m not getting the SE is the OG didnā€™t fit that well for me. Sounds like a jam.

Did 2/3rd of the ShotBus mod (reduced bore and front port mod) to my S12s . Interesting results.
Gets rid of the shoutiness without affecting much else such that i may start using them again.


Havenā€™t had much listening today - about 15 minutes on the Penon Fans this morning.

Roll on the evening and Iā€™m listening while getting some grading done, a giving the QKZxHBB another shot with Whizzer SS20 wide bore tips, and using 2.5mm balanced from my Hiby R3 Pro (high gain for the minute).


On earlier listening imaging/stage wasnā€™t really there, even though tonality was great. Timbre had a hair off too. Listening tonight itā€™s a full package. Also the way the bass comes in under other things, distinctly.

Case in point currently with Radioheadā€™s Reckoner. Cymbals are razor crisp and realistic but not sibilant, guitars are soothing and well placed for intimacy/depth, vocals are spot onā€¦ heck nothingā€™s amiss. Separation that didnā€™t seem to be there before is definitely there .

Making one heck of a second impression.

If Iā€™m totally honest, I completely disagree with any praise for its appearance. For my taste itā€™s garish/tacky in all aspects, looks like something between a KZ design and a McDonalds toy celebrating a new Transformers movie. Not that it matters much when theyā€™re in my ears, and the construction is certainly solid, no doubt about that. I feel especially free to be harsh about something as subjective as appearance, and itā€™s arguably the very least important part of in-ear monitors so it doesnā€™t matter either way. Appearance does matter to a degree though - Iā€™m sure itā€™s the main reason I keep eyeing some stabilized wood DM8s even though thereā€™s no earthly reason for me to own a full BA set.

Edit: Iā€™ll need to do some more comparisons/ not in a ā€œlisteningā€ vacuum for this all to hold more weight but these are sounding VERY good. Listening to ā€œUnityā€ by Royksopp for the same deep bass, and detail in bass enough to clearly hear the gliding bass notes that make a lot of the appeal of the track, that the Maestro Mini helped me to noticeā€¦ an uncannily similar full, good bass experience. It doesnā€™t quite cause physical vibrations through me like the Maestro, but itā€™s one of the deepest basses Iā€™ve heard, and itā€™s pretty articulate. Iā€™m sure the wide bore helps maintain as much texture as possible.

Whatā€™s most telling is that although I tell myself I want to compare to the Fan or Serial or anything else to hand - Iā€™d rather keep them in my ears for ā€œone more trackā€. Theyā€™re also playing a wide variety of music really really well. This isnā€™t just a ā€œreggae and EDMā€ set. One of the best for rock, great resonance in classical strings, no problems with male or female vocals so far.

Weā€™ll see after tonight, this is the second of two sessions. Absolutely great for $20. I can remember back to when that was all I had aside for earphone upgrades, and this is a real world opener most especially for those cases. Any critiques I pull will probably have to be against much more expensive sets.

Curious what Iā€™ll think of the Rosefinch when it comes. Iā€™m happy to make this set my ā€œextra bassā€ set at this juncture. Maybe a biodynamic can pull an extra punch based on preferences.

Very, very well tuned across the board.

EDIT2: Itā€™s the next morning, made some coffee, playing ā€œAll I needā€ by Radiohead. Lost in it. Magenta Mountain by KG&TLW just started up and I know itā€™s going to be good.

Thereā€™s an authority to the low end instead of boominess - instead of turning up the Gaussian blur, the opacity was turned up*. The control on the bass (obvious in any percussion but even vague warm humming drones like in All I Need) is very high level for this quantity of bass.

*Some of my sound descriptions are basically going to be visual descriptions. Itā€™s the best Iā€™ve got.