Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

I am very stoked you like em bro! :sparkling_heart: :raised_hands: :notes: :beers:

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thoughts on the Final A4000 in the current market?

First time leaving a review at Linsoul. People need to know these are different. $20?


Had a chance this evening to rotate them with the Fan and the Serial. So now I’m not listening to them in a vacuum with no room for comparison.

And they’re fantastic. Addicting even. There’s a slight dry crispiness to some vocals that would be one my timbre niggle. Fairly intense overall - but seriously no harshness. For example with My silver lining by First Aid Kit, the vocals are most detailed and highlighted but not intense on the Serial. On the Fan I had to lower volume to a level where the vocals weren’t too intense. On the QKZ they’re more intense than the Serial, but just as non-sibilant. It would make more sense to compare QKZ to the Fan. The Fan has some more strident upper tones, but also more a velvet lining to the lows and mids where the QKZ does have a bit of a dry rough edge in comparison (exaggerated in both cases for the sake of contrast).

Sometimes you just have to kid yourself “remember the ones in your ears right now are the ones made out of platinum with drivers made from nano-beryllium” to overcome the bias you can easily have based on cost and appearance. We do it all the time - put in an expensive unobtanium set, and as soon as you hit some bad tonality you think “Maybe it’s my source/amping, or maybe I need to give more mental burn-in, or maybe it’s just too refined for my ears” meanwhile we’re inclined to “hear” the budget side of budget sets straight away. If you say something bad about a cheap set, no one will doubt it. Throwing shade at a pricey set takes relistening and preparing a paragraph of pretentious technical justification.

I think they’re the V-shaped set to back, up to $100 without thinking hard about it.
I wish they had a name, I don’t love calling them the HBBxQKZ. That’s the collaboration team… what do we call this set itself? If there is a separate name, sorry to have missed it.

Of course this sets the bar high for the Rosefinch… looking forward to it.


Can I just ask, you must put some serious thought to your write ups, right? They’re so engaging and concise - I feel like you and @nymz have some of the most engaging vocabulary when it comes to explaining exactly how you feel in regards to audio equipment.

With that being said, I have AB the Rosefinch and the HBB set - from my personal stance, the Rosefinch may not be for everyone, but they work better for me. They are darker than the HBB, for sure - with a more “natural?” Timbre. To my ears, there is no artificial boost anywhere in the FR. The bass also seems to bleed a bit into the lower mids, but it creates this warm blanket over male vocals that I appreciate.

I’m really looking forward to your opinions - I’m trying to build my knowledge and vocabulary when describing what I’m hearing and I can confidently say, you guys are my biggest examples in my journey, so thank you.


Maybe No universals and Custom only is companies way of shielding the hype train.

Custom only means is less likely you or Crinnacle will provide real impressions and blow up the hype train led by the affiliates on headfi. :thinking::grin:

I’ve lost thousands not listening to u and crinacle about not so great iems.

Also customs is a good way to murder returns. I could be wrong but just a thought.

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Have you heard any of the topping dacs yet? Do you prefer schitt daxs?

I have been told this by a former rep for a brand i won’t name.
It’s a common sense tactic that anyone who knows this hobby would use to some extent
You nailed it

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Got some buds coming :notes: :call_me_hand:


Kai in the house…Vocals, check! …Fav HBB tuning yet.


Bob Dylan on KAI :sparkling_heart:

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Hi @hawaiibadboy ! nymz referred me to you :sweat_smile:. I can get an OG Oracle at around 450 USD. What do you think ? Especially vs Oracle Mk2 at around 600 USD here. I listen to Pop / Rock / RNB mostly. No EDM or classical. Thanks a lot in advance :slight_smile:


Many an iem have succumbed to Dylan’s challenging voice, Kai gets it. Since Modern Times was released, it is the first play for new monitors, not just for the vocal bit it is a seriously well recorded 'live studio" record.


Neil Young slaughters a lot of gear too. Bob, Neil, Geddy…among the leaders of “Playlist disruptors” :sweat_smile:


I have not compared them enough yet to rec one over other. Original is very much a monitor type set. I enjoy it for that kind of listening

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Thanks. Sorry for that maybe dumb question, but what do you mean by “monitor type set”?

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Nick Cave and Tom Waits are also two artists I listen to a lot that aren’t always treated well by earphones if they show up among other tracks.

Yet alone Joy Division and The Fall…

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Doesn’t over emphasize anything at the expense of other info.
Not too warm for mid res
Not too bright to be fatiguing
Drivers of quality to support balanced tuning.
Could be used to self monitor or even production.
(with only minimal consideration or compensation where needed)


Sounds absolutely great ! Thanks a lot for your input. Will order them :smiley: