Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Can you tell how the Twilight differs from the Turii besides the price? Are there big differences in sound?

What I can find is the Turii Ti has the follwing features vs. the Twilight.

  • Titanium shell (Turii) vs. aluminium shell (Twilight)
  • Internal brass cavitly (Turii) vs. viscoelastic damping material (Twilight)
  • Pure Silver Cable (Turii) vs. Copper cable (Twilight)

Turii has a zing up top on cymbals and kepboards and guitar (hendrix) w/distortion pedals.
Twilight is more natural.
I think IE600 is superior to IE900 despite it being cheaper.
Feel same about Twilight over Turii.


Not sure if there’s something in the video that already addresses this, but OG Dark Magician vs Twilight?


I’ve got to say, that Softears Twilight seems to measure an awful lot like the Dunu Vernus. That can’t be a bad thing, IMO!


I think OG DM is just a tad warmer and it’s weakness

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I know the tunings are pretty different but would you put the Twilight over the IE600?

EDIT: Just saw the end and it seems like you put it over the IE600. The mids and treble look like exactly my kind of tuning on the Twilight however I would prefer a bit more bass. Do you feel like its lacking at all?

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Quick question for HBB.
Was your graph for the shortbus S12 the full mod (bore reduction, front port mod and rear filter change)?

Thanks for the reply - I’m not sure if this is an unfinished thought or if I’m missing an obvious meaning for the second part though. :sweat_smile:

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This handles everything from drops to drums to bass guitar and male vocals in a way that seems accurate to my ears.

I love Bass
I love it more when it stays out of the way unless mixed to do otherwise

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This sums me up perfect. Also, awesome throwing Pimp C in the review. How do you feel the treble peak at 3k and glide to 5k compares to OG DM on the Twilight? Worried it might be a bit much for me but, with the elevated bass shelf it might balance it out. Seems some things become to aggeesive for me in that range. Kinda Lava has been my upper limit to this range. Anything more seems to be a no go. I’m loving the mids to treble presentation of the DM my only small nitpickick is I want more bass. Looks like the Twilight might share alot of DM qualities for me to throw it on my radar. Would appreciate your thoughts.

Edit: I’ve been using X-Bass on the Go blu with the DM and it gets the job done. Though it would be nice to add a single DD set that does this naturally with the tuning.


I thought the OG DM was a little zingy on some things


Ahh far, I personally prefer a little bass coloration. I’ve learned that my personal preference means to a slight V vice something more neutral. Hoping the IE600s I have coming in fit the bill. I’m also thinking more about full cans and wondering if it’s worth getting my fun bass from IEMs and going open back cans or doing neutral IEMs and closed back…


I’m more into the U shape.

Have your considered the U-shaped signature? It brings some of the excitement of a V shape but it’s more natural sounding, retains sense of extension on both ends yet obscures less detail, especially in the lower mids.

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I guess I would say I’m more U shaped in that I’m not a fan of recessed mids

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Simgot EN1000 Frequency Response graph

Those who need a sweet DAP, you have 5 hours left to grab the TempoTec V6 for early bird $279 price!



I feel like filter 5 was the only one told “be yourself, everyone else is taken”


oh wow, it got me curios so i searched the price (1500$) then i started to cry :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Yeah, the first 4 settings look like they’re different flavors of bright/dark on the same signature, and the fifth was when QC took a lunch break and an intern changed the inputs

Bold move, kid!

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