Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

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Filter 3 & 4 looking quite successful.

Happy they managed such a tuning for their first try at a full range AMT.


Filter 5 is definitely interesting. Could be great for long, non fatiguing listening sessions.

Tried my CEMA pure copper cable on my ISN H50 and was promptly reminded why the cable cost me $130.

What a fucking transformation of sound, wow. The density and vibrancy of the midrange and the rounding of BA treble and the widening of the stage and the authority of the bass… I could go on.

Just stellar combination, the stock cable makes the H50 sound like half its actual MSRP.

Yeah I know there’s a cable thread :stuck_out_tongue:

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Does the bass slam on softears twilight?

Hiw does the bass and overall sound compare to sony ex8000st?

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Bjork is what I use to test vocals


Does the bass slam on Twilight? How is it for hip hop?

Can you compare it to sony ex8000st?

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How does it sound the Goldplanar?


Sounds great. Really like that set :heart: :musical_note: :ok_hand:

Would you say it’s more like the X than the annihilator in technicalities? Also, how does it change on the rme vs the paw gold if you’ve had time to test it on there yet?

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I think both the tribrids have better technicalities than GAEA. They are also more than 2x the price.
This is really aimed as they advertised, right at female vocal listeners who want it all. No BA timbre or anything sloppy. Very engaging for some and intense for others. Think it will come down to library. Same as Moondrop Variations in that way. Library is going to drive the fans of this set


Oh, I didn’t check the price, I would have figured it would be same price/tier given the effect collab (and their historically more pricey collabs/iems) lol, that’s pretty cool


Oracle MK II graphs really close to it, except for 1k-7k. They would be pretty complimentary sets, wouldn’t they?

I actually use the term complimentary a little different on my YT channel and my viewers are clear on it.
A set that compliments a collection is a set that is not redundant .
On par technically (ideally) but have strengths that may be more towards another part of a users library.
A person with a bassy set may want a more neutral set to compliment their collection and highlight another genre or part of same genre

The Original Oracle with less bass, less upper mids/ear gain, being more neutral than GAEA tuning wise but comporable tech wise…would be what i would call a complimentary set.