Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Like the Solaris using Bellsing BAs? :rofl:


JH and EE did that too. A JH fan here in Japan tried to repair his own set and …


Yes I am. Sounds lucious

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That would be surprising - for $1500, I would expect their own development of a driver - but that’s just me.

There are probably VERY few kilobuck+ IEMs that have their own drivers; the price, in my experience, may go into other materials (shell, cable, acc), development (tuning/implementation) and prestige or “not made in China” (which often means “designed and assembled domestically, with parts foreign and domestic”). As we all know here, though, there is increasingly little correlation with price and sound quality


@hawaiibadboy I’m curious about the drivers inside the Softears Twilight/Softears Turii Ti. How much worth those drivers?

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There’s never been a truer statement when it comes to Audio. I work in the automotive space and sometimes, manufactures will put a hefty price tag on a vehicle or an option just to make it seem more exclusive thus making it more desirable. Best example? Rolls-Royce. Trust me lol


At the very least, go for Knowles and not the budget rip of that is Bellsing with known worse QC…


The next big thing will be MEMS drivers…except 1st ones to be megabucks but once chifi gets hold of that tech we could be in for some glorious times

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Read about this a few years ago. Finally it’s coming…

Seems like a variation on piezoelectric based on that. I worry about spl for lower frequencies, but eyes peeled. Thanks for looking out.

Edit: also we(all folks present) are gonna have to have a chat about the tang with some horn tips because fml the vocals sound so good with that combo. Like blew my ass away good! Gonna dive back in today. :smiley:


Looks to be based on piezos.

And that I guess implies they improved on its capability to actually be more than just a tweeter like regular piezos.

They do have both a full-range and a tweeter version though.

Im guessing that maybeee we still want a DD for the woofer, combined with it as a full range driver. And if it can actually do bass as well, the mems driver can do bass alongside the DD. Like the Sony hybrids where they use the DD woofer alongside the full range BA that is also doing some of the bass.


Agreed. Im definitely curious regarding the full range, but even a great tweeter would be interesting. I know some of your favs have peizo tweeters so will be interested in checking one out sometime.

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You still havent heard an iem with piezo?

Check out the Intime Sora light.


That graph does look interesting so will deff keep it in mind. Gotta drop a few hundred more on some books(manga/LN) first before I get a new iem. The tang has my full attention atm and may be a step away for a bit type of thing. At least I wont be pissed like last time with the oh1s…that was a steaming pile imo.

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Wow only $53 and a available on Amazon. The graph looks pretty nice for my taste too. Might have to give it shot. Freed up some funds after NYMZ dropped his review on the Oracle MKII. Seems like it would be a bit to resolving for my library. Maybe sometime down the road on the used market when I won’t loose as much on a resale.


I wonder how full range planar + DD woofer would fly :eyes:


HZ sound Mirror PRO
Frequency response graph


That’s exactly how I listen to my WU…that set is the Dog’s whatsits!


Wu clan