Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

DMS & Resolve discuss the MEMS at Canjam.

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When…when does it come in $5000 ist gen form so I can buy it?

Kinda baffled by the graphs for Oracle MKII

That screenshot is of a GRAS setup showing same bass shelf.
My set is audibly more bassy than the original.


Isn’t the new Huawei TWS just that? I haven’t heared DD+Planar, but think it could be promising.

The OG I have measure looks nothing like Resolve’s as well… or even yours.


Is this lack-of-quality-control rearing it’s ugly head?

Pretty sure that one is a full range DD + planar tweeter

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Chiming in with the blown-up diagram of the GL-AMT16 via the Taobao listing below:


I’ve been in the market for a new IEM, and my curiosity was piqued, so I uncharacteristically went for the semi-blind buy two days ago on Linsoul. The tuning matches pretty closely with the LZ A7 (Gold Filter), one of my favorite IEM tunings, with some added treble extension. Pretty hyped.

*Also a sucker for tuning filters, so that was another reason.


@hawaiibadboy Just watched your $50-300 tierlist and noticed the Hana 2021 was at the top of the list, then I seen how high you placed them on your spreadsheet, are they really that good?

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Love this set. :sparkling_heart:
SQ is unique as one would hope it is.
The box is really heavier than a Susvara package. You will definitely know when it arrives :slight_smile:


They are, but that list needs an update badly. Great set though

On the way. ame guy who made Lokahi and hekili so…kinda super duper stoked


Must be quite a chonker.

I had the Lokahi but couldn’t deal with the BAs in that one, sounded cheap…

This whole hobby has been a sea of planar’s with folks swearing that their favorite is special when actually virtually the exact same drivers from same factory in different shells.

Can you hear Sonion v.s. Knowles?
I think I can…maybe it is all in my head


You should make a video when you get the chance to update it, people love rankings lists lol

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18 phishing attempts in 2 hours…the busy season in scam city apparently


And here I thought ThieAudio could be trusted to tune an IEM proficiently. SMH.

I expect this was the goal (tuning) I’m just not sure why and how it related to the Oracle.
By the end of my own video I was kinda angry. I gotta control that stuff but reading the advertising and listening and the linkage to the OG…just a buncha thoughts…what?..why?..who?


I think you were right to question it. I don’t get when companies name things as successors but totally deviate from the previous iteration