Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)


SpinFit CP1025ā€™s on Airpods Proā€™s, they come with an adapter. There are also AZLA SednaEarfit XELASTEC for Airpods Proā€™s. Have only tried the first one on the OG though.

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I gotta prepare tips for TWS Wars. I hadnā€™t heard of folks tiprolling with these but i also wasnā€™t paying much attention. Love the Edifierā€¦with some spinfits :slight_smile:


Those might change the Airpods too. Would be nice to see if that changes anything for you. Comply tips are also available for Airpods.

They do have some tips ready to go for the AirPods - I understand why they have proprietary tips, due to the strange nozzle design, but I wish you could use traditional tips with them. I believe theyā€™re some kind of adapter you could use - no matter - apple is such a juggernaut that all the major tip companies are probably designing tips for them as we speak. You should be spoiled with choice!

The SpinFit CP1025 actually come with a plastic adapter you put on first to create a real nozzle. Than you can attach the silicone tips :slight_smile:

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Just received my pair of QKZ x HBB. Didnā€™t expect a $20 IEM to sound this good, straight out of the headphone jack from a years old budget phone. The sound signature reminds me a lot of the The FH3, without the ā€œcuppyā€ mids.


Thanks. i really appreciate.
Been getting lotsa love from folks who wanted slam with some extension.
Being $20 helps a lot too :sweat_smile:
Thanks again :sparkling_heart: :raised_hands: :notes:


Shortbus in the house


Also had my QKZ x HBB for a few days now. Also surprised there havenā€™t been more hype.

Very good set. Extremely good for the price. Much more versatile than I thought, works with almost everything I threw at it - rap, electronic, rock, even some weeb stuff works perfectly well. Maybe less with metal? But I donā€™t listen to metal much so it couldā€™ve been just the tracks I tried. Itā€™s not just a basshead set, the treble is also tuned well so if you have music thatā€™s light on the low end you still have good playback.

One thing I want to specifically mention is that this is pretty much the best set Iā€™ve heard for commuting/outdoor use - even in noisy environments the bass still comes through properly. This was the biggest reason I got the set and it really delivers here.

I appreciate that most of the price went to the actual IEM itself and not the cable or packaging. The cable is pretty bad(I got the no-mic version) but it works and itā€™s the smart decision to make the savings there, as it can be easily upgraded. For now I put the bl03 cable on it because even this is better, and I have a proper replacement coming. The IEM itself is well made, looks good(I like the inlaid logos), and itā€™s very comfortable.


How was the bass compared to Blon03?

My bl03s arrived defective(I just didnā€™t bother replacing them so I had the cable around), so itā€™s hard to comment. From what I heard with the one side that worked correctly bl03s seemed to have less sub bass, but some of the graphs make them seem pretty much equal. Maybe someone else can comment.

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What replacement cable do you have coming for it?

@hawaiibadboy I finally got my thoughts down in word form about Olina SE, and I think theyā€™re some really pretty words. Which is fitting for a really pretty IEM. Hope itā€™s good for ya!

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Thanks for the write up. I appreciate you taking the time. :turtle: :notes: :raised_hands:

For the community.



TRN T2 Pro randomly caught my eye browsing Linsoul - 16 strand cable with swapable plugs for $15 seemed like a great value so I ordered one in 2pin, and one in MMXC for my other IEMs, with a 3.5mm plug and a balanced plug. Not many reviews but they seemed positive, and I like the black colorway. Will see if itā€™s any good.


This cable too caught my eye - let us know what you think of the cable, it really could be an amazing option for swappable termination at a budget. After 6 months to a year, itā€™d be cool to see how it stacks up in terms of reliability.

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The Olina SE really has my interest for tuning/driver quality/technicalities at its price point.

I didnā€™t have a fantastic fit with the original Olina (unusual case, I know) thatā€™s the main thing holding me back.

Maybe Iā€™ve got more tips to play with or just got better and twisting things right, but I find I am getting better fits withing sets I didnā€™t used to.

Chris, you know I love the Serial a whole bunch. Their tuning isnā€™t miles apartā€¦ is there anything I would definitely miss from its tuning? If itā€™s just a hair of warmth, Iā€™m wondering if a thin filter on a vent would bring the warmth up enough.

I could endgame on the Serial or the Clairvoyance, Iā€™m just always compelled to see if I can endgame for less, and put the difference back into the family somehow.

EDIT: Right now I think if Iā€™m going to try the OSE it makes sense to wait until 11/11


I havenā€™t heard Serial obviously, and you can tell me if Iā€™m wrong but all of our interactions tell me you value sub-bass over mid-bass. I donā€™t see a way that Olina would satisfy you , in stock form, for quantity. Olina is a set that is more neutral-to-neutral bright than it is bringing tangible warmth.

When I look at Penon IEMs, without the experience with them, Kai is the set from HBBā€™s collection that I get the impression is most comparable to Penon sets.


That looks nice for the money.

My goto budget cable is the Tripowin Zonie 16 Core they are usually under $20, and come in every connector option, plus have a couple color options now ( not just grey ).

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