Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Thanks for the comparison Chris. I prefer the Monarch to the Oracle because of the sub bass emphasis but I find the Oracle more similar to the Monarch than the less resolving Clairvoyance.

What was it about the Excalibur you didn’t like? The Excalibur and Oracle sound very similar with the Excalibur having a little more mid range body. I thought that might be your preference?

We do have varying libraries. I rarely listen to classic rock ever. My library is filled with more modern recordings.

Looking forward to a better fitting IEM tuned like the Monarch. Being less resolving is my main concern now.

Again, thank you for your insights.


I am sure our music libraries are 90% of why we see things different.
Being the fan of Monarch that you are, I’m thinking you will dig the Variation, though compared to the monarch it sounds smooth like the tops of notes are toned down a step.
That would be another positive I imagine since having things that are too similar makes the whole “what’s the point again?” thing crop up.


Exactly! I know what I like, although I also enjoy listening to anything I can get my hands on just to learn and gain more experience, even things I don’t like.

I listen to progressive metal like Dream Theater. Pretty much the entire genre. I’m a musician, and have been recording, mixing, mastering my own and others music for over 20 years. Prog metal is my preferred genre for writing music.

I love female vocalists like Adele, Ariana Grande, Aurora, Dua Lipa where the Monarch rules. I listen to instrumental music, classical, rap, film scores and electronic music.

I actually feel none of the Thieaudio IEMs do my preferred genre of music justice. For prog metal, very technical music, something Like a single DD hits harder and something about the speed of a beyrillium DD is quite satisfying. The FH3 is awesome.


I have to always stay married to the music and not marry the gear.

I will not do a vid with Oracle v.s. Variations because that is impractical and sketchy.
Impractical because 2 other tribrids are on there way to me
Sketchy because Linsoul makes thie. Just avoid the drama and let folks enjoy what they enjoy.

A shoot out with all the new tribrids Mangird, EJ07M,Variations and Oracle?

Oh hell yeah.

I am praying for mangird or whatever name they choose (btw…wtf is with that?)
I want some sweet tribrid TEAs


Bout the name, Mangird has grown on me, but when people don’t even know how to pronounce it, may not have been a good choice to begin with. But then again… Is Xenns any better? I’d just stick with Mangird at this point because the brand actually means something because of the success of the Tea. Let’s just hope and pray to the IEM gods that the Tea was not just a happy accident like the BL03 is.

@hawaiibadboy BTW… I have a KZ AST coming, just because of your rec.

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Wait, are they selling mousepads too? Got a link to that one?


Would it make sense to buy an IE900 if I’m listening off of something like an iFi xCAN (~$300 portable amp/dac).

I guess I’m thinking of headphone-land where for example, it’s kinda not worth it to buy a Focal Clear with a sub-$500 amp, so yeah, does the same kind of thing hold true for kilobuck IEMs and amplification?

OMG. Best reply ever.

Don’t judge haha.

I was actually looking for custom ones and seeing this one just surprised me. Seems Moondrop had it as a limited giveaway or promotional material. But they have the original artwork up on their site so I can just make my own I guess.

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That would be fine.
I’m not a believer that I need a $6000 amp for my $6000 Susvara. It’s called
"Moving the goal posts"
And it’s hobby rubbish B.S.
IE900 would sound fine out of any decently powered DAP


This post was very insightful. I listen to/my library is very similar to yours as described in this post.
I have saving money and waiting to pull the trigger on an upgrade, and want a tribrid.
I’ve demoed a bunch of good gear and currently sitting at the top of my list is the MEST mk2 For me it had the speed, soundstage and bass authority which I liked. Have you heard the MEST?

That said I’m also looking for something less expensive to use while working around the house and in the shop. Currently I’m using the BLON 03 and Thie Legacy 3 CIEM to fill that roll, but I find that I have to use EQ to get the sound where id like it (blon03 more treble/L3 more subbass more upper mids treble).

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Yes I have.

Fiio FH3.

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I have heard some people say the FH3 is not as good as the L3, and vice versa. Hard to know as those people didnt say what gear they were using it with and also what kind of music was used, but for post/progressive metal playlist you think I’d be better served using the FH3?

Hard to say…

The L3 and FH3 are different, hard to compare IMO. The L3 feels softer with smoother mids and highs, lowered sub-bass. I’d say tonality-wise, it’s more competent, easier to listen to, also far more comfortable IMHO. FH3 is focused on clear details, precision, and has a sub-bass punch. It’s the more “technical” pick. Comfort is hit/miss for many despite its small size.

For a safe bet, I’d choose the L3, but the FH3 delivers that “audiophile” detail that wows people. Neither are a bad choice, tho. I think it’s more down to whether you want a more relaxed tuning or a revealing tuning.

*by relaxed, I still mean engaging, not laid-back, just not as engaging as the FH3.


+1 for the FH3 rec. If course it’s very subjective, but I’ve tried upgrading from the fh3 twice (L4 and FD5) and sold/returned both those IEMs. The FH3 with Final E tips are very comfortable to me and I really like the sound, especially the sub bass and the mids that aren’t recessed.


Thanks for the reply.
So this rec is with post/prog metal playlist in mind?

Btw I already own the L3 ciem

Yes. That’s my opinion. Beyrillium DD FTW.

The L3 DD is slower vs the FIio FH3 DD.

Thieaudio are releasing their first beryllium DD in the Legacy 2 tomorrow.

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It was a gift. A joke I think :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Have any of you guys heard both the Sennheiser IE300 and the Fiio FD5? I love the IE300 so far, specially the bass, but i just came across an used FD5 for a good price…