Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Yours and BGGAR’s commentary resonates with me.

Clair is a great set I always felt gave me more pleasure than any other IEM I was trying and have tried since then, apart from the MEST.

Blon 03, Blon mini, FH5, Etymotic ER2XR/ER4XR, Blessing 2…

All of them were ok in one way or another, fun actually in some cases, but what did it for me with the Clairs is that it made me feel good every time I put them on. Music was soothing, never jarring. Resolved more than the rest, yet balanced and clear for my taste.

But then MEST came along, made me feel sibilant vibes at first, and eventually adjusted in my head or something, and now the MEST is best to me.

Not everyone goes the same path, my friend! That’s cool and good, and I’m happy to hear your Clairvoyanace is still such a love.


I’m spammin my own thread
Elysian Acoustics “X”


I looked at the graph and thought “oh this may be a contender” but then I looked at the price. Maybe if I win the lottery.


That Bass/mid roll in is like the Z1R’s with a slight sub roll off? no 3k dip but treble lacking speed/detail? especially with cymbals life and death…interested in your findings :+1:

@hawaiibadboy I was comparing the FR charts of the Mangird UP & Voyager 14 and they look very similar. From your perspective do they sound similar?

Man, now that you suggested the Xenns UP for someone who likes the SZ2000 i am even more eager receive mine! Basshead type of bass with good mids and EST highs :drooling_face:


Monarch is much more resolving than the Clair. I’ve always wondered if you had a bad unit. It’s not close and I do not use any adapter.

Maybe my Clair is bad since it’s less resolving than the Oracle and Excalibur.

Crinacle hears it as well…

“For starters, the Clairvoyance isn’t the most resolving IEM out there (in the truest sense of the sentence, in that it’s literally not the best ) given its somewhat blunted attack, at least relative to the IEMs that I’d deem as fast and/or highly-defined. The edges around each note are a little rounded off, not exactly “fuzzy” but not quite as sharp as I’d like it to be.

“The problem extends into the bass, where the Clairvoyance struggles a little with mid-bass punchiness and impact. Percussive hits can be a little soft in the leading edges and results in a bit of smear and overlap in faster passages.

" The treble is also where the stereotypical characteristics of “EST treble” kick in, taking on a wispy, almost powerless quality though nowhere as bad as the worst offenders. It does make for a more smooth and non-fatiguing experience that would be pleasant for many, excluding the diehard treble speed-freaks (that I’m unfortunately a part of). But it’s well-extended treble at the very least, so not a complete wash in this aspect."

“The Monarch’s signature can also be described as “neutral with a bass boost”, though with a more traditional approach to neutrality with a mild lower-midrange recession. This slight variation in tuning results in a comparatively cleaner sound with a significant boost in clarity,”

Yep, with my usual tracks that I’m very familiar with, where I can listen for such things as the orchestra members turning pages, the texture of guitar strings, and other minutia, the Clair presents it all to me. I have never heard the Monarch though. Other than certain aspects of clarity, mostly due to tuning differences, I hear the minutia on the Clair as well as on the OG MEST, which is kind-of my technical reference. So, while the Clair might not be “The Best” for detail, it certainly is top tier, and more than enough for me. I guess with all the amazing tribrids that have come out, I wanted to give some props to the Clair.

Use your own ears. There is no extra weight to what you say because of who you quote.
Actually less. It’s earphones, I don’t like em. Get over it and use your own thoughts. We have already talked about this and i was replying to someone. Not you. Wasn’t talking to you.

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How about not posting dm not from this forum? Take your own advise.

Edit: Your screenshot looks nothing like how I see this forum. Looked like discord or something. Not HiFi Guides.

My ears happen to agree with Crin in this circumstance and I’ve stated my opinions of the Thieaudio tribrids many times. My Clairvoyance is not nearly as resolving as any of my other tribrids. But then again, I listen to modern recordings that contain the detail I’m talking about.

If you don’t want to read my posts or discuss anything with me in a public forum, you can mute or ignore me.

I cannot begin to really get what folks are saying without knowing what volume they listen at. Consider the difference in vocals simply by turning the volume up 3dB. That is the difference between 1 guy saying item “A” is shouty and another saying it is not.
You are not missing out, so enjoy your Clair.
77dB btw :crazy_face:


Good point. I should start having a reference volume.

That’s a screenshot from the public forum. That’s not a DM
Why post the same stuff over and over? You can spew another dudes opinion in other threads.
Make your own thread and lets keep HiFi Guides running smooth :+1:


You should really.
Then ask a reviewer when he says something that is not inline with your own.
It often comes down to that.
Such an ultra simple thing like listening level is a HUGE HUGE factor

First night with the set was very damn sweet. Bass lines are excellent and low end tuning is among the best if not the best.
Really nice. Cymbal birth/life/death is spot on.
I’m in a honeymoon phase too though. That usually passes after day 1 :slight_smile:

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V14 sounds like it has more micro details but it also is all BA and has that BA timbre. So in 1 way it is maybe better but in another not +1 -1 = 0

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I am surprised the Oracle has a better score in the bass department, could you please elaborate a bit?

Maybe the UP slams harder but the Oracle has better rumble, or tightness or something like that?

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UP is a hammer and I love it.
Oracle is more accurate.
UP is more enjoyable.

If I had to take one on a vacation it would be the UP as I like my bass to sound authorative.


This means a lot to comfort the recent UP buy haha. Thanks for that clarification.

EDIT: I buy on enjoyment, not always what checks off critical listening boxes. Though those do tend to help the joy factor.