Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

My opinion is that the “reference” is a live show, center stage seats, 10th row.
IASCA clarity eval was described as such by a judge to me at a competition I put my car in.
Made sense.
UP is more like being there. Oracle is more like a SA6 w/ a DD. Accurate but may lack sense of fun/liveliness for some.


i’ve been wondering about this for a while, but i can’t seem to access the graph tool.

would anybody know why that is?

Thanks for those descriptors. Those are gems of info.
Helps make sense to me more than the usual “its better” which gets used too often.

By that screenshot looks like it’s an internet issue on your device

Is there someplace where I can find your impressions/comparisions of all 4 Thieaudio tribrids? Thanks.

Better is a funny word.
I read it a lot without mention of music.
I find myself totally lost

I’ve posted my impressions many times all over this forum. Probably too many times. lol

Here’s a pic of my Thieaudio tribrids…

oh, bad screenshot. my internet is working fine. i’m using ethernet and all. i tried disabling all of my ad blockers, but still no access to the site.

Likewise, sometimes its just simply lack of experience or vocabulary to express thoughts, feeling and emotions (ie. Music)
Not to mention personal preference is a huuuge factor in this hobby. As is listening level, music used to evaluate, ear anatomy, barometric pressure, mood…
To many variables.

I really appreciate all the work you put into this hobby/obsession but ultimately I trust my ears.


Oh. I thought maybe you had written up a formal review/impression somewhere on the net that I could read.
If so, I was looking for the link, thats all.

Should work

Hold down shift key while refreshing page

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NO issues here…

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Thanks for checking…I was getting a bit concerned :sweat_smile:

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Sorry, I’m not a professional reviewer. This is my hobby.

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Need… one… more… puzzle… piece…


after all of the diagnostic fixes, i still cannot access squig link.

for a bit of background, i switched from chrome to microsoft edge. only thing i did was transfer my chrome bookmarks over to edge.

during my chrome days up till now, almost every website asks me to “allow cookies”

idk if that’s related to the solution, but when i built my PC back in 2019, the tutorial guy included ways for my pc to not be tracked down for data as best as possible.

Edit: here is the video I am referring to:

Grab the “X” if you can sometime.
Kinda blowing my mind. 1st thing that gets close to MEST for me.
These small companies (1 man teams) can kill it sometimes

@Shinidoshi the graph tool is hosted on supper reviews server. Not sure how permissions or cookies etc are handled


Graphs don’t lie and that graph looks mint to me :+1: but replay is where it’s at so I’m glad it’s killing that too :musical_score::gem:


Now this… This is why I come to this forums. Thanks for the entry level explanation and not just a bunch of imaginary words and graphs.


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Malaysia represent here! I actually had the pleasure to try out the Annihilator, Artemis V2, and the Minerva V2 before at my local audio store. I obviously couldn’t afford them but it was a great 1 and a half hour session with them at the time. Was scared to listen back to my Starfield after that session :sweat_smile: