Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Did not publish yet but did vid.
Brilliant set


You’re actually right in the video regarding on able to demo stuff! Some times I feel like we (or me) took things for granted that we have the privilege to demo most, if not, all of the ChiFi stuff here at our local audio stores at ease. We have about 4 different audio stores here and each of them have always recommended me to drop by and demo the unit personally before purchasing.

The local warranty is also pretty great and I was able to exchange the Starfield in person twice before it broke on me again and decided to just upgrade and get my eventual and current FD5. :joy:


I think most folks in Japan and in the West assume Japan is the Mecca (maybe because of Akihabara?) when actually Malaysia really more shops. Japan has enough to keep me satisfied…mostly. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I was actually surprised when I found out that the FD5 was only officially released in Japan just 2 or 3 months ago? While we have it here just about a month after the FD5 release in China.

I’m more appreciative to what I can get here locally now and how easy it is to purchase an IEM or headphones while others felt deemed almost impossible to get from where they are.

An audio store that I used to frequent to and also bought the FH3 there before the pandemic worsen. 64 audios everywhere! -

The headphones game is actually much stronger than IEMs over here to my surprise despite the ChiFi IEM popularity. Everytime I drop by, it’ll mostly be customers demo-ing on Headphones. So if one of these days, if you ever travelled to Malaysia, you can drop by here! The shop owners are very helpful, attentive, and know their stuff. They were actually building an audio room to showcase speaker stuffs the last time I was there.

I actually sat on that very same swing chair while I was demo-ing the FH3 before purchasing it.


Funny story, i like lots of bass and at one point a well respected member of the audiophile community asked me “have you ever heard live music? real instruments don’t have that kind of bass”.

Well, turns out i am a musician, i play instruments since i was 7 (i am 38 now and still play). I have attended to more than 200 concerts since my very first one (Metallica when i was 14 years old) and 90% of those were front row, i slept on the line for the Metallica one for example. I saw almost all bands i care about, Sepultura, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Stone Temple Pilots, Dream Theater, etc… (all front row or very close to it)

Live rock concerts have WAY more bass than any home equipment can ever reproduce, and that is the type of sound i love, a full bodied bass with good impact brings back some of those memories. Of course i love all other aspects of the sound, good bass is nothing by itself.

Anyways, i sympathize with your “reference”, it is important to know where someone is coming from when reviewing gear, if what i was looking for was an IEM to reproduce the sound you get out of a live orchestral piece the Xenns UP would be nowhere in my radar right now.


Sounds like that reviewer should maybe STFU? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I was 6 years old and my Mom took me to meet John Williams who was doing one of his last events at the half shell (Esplanade) with the Boston Pops. My grandmother played Cello under Arthur Fiedler
I have a pic of her and Arthur I can post.

Played theme from JAWS and it whooshed through my body.
I think my love of bass was born at that exact moment.

Thanks for sharing.
I love talking about music more than gear :slight_smile:


They have arrived!


Connection reset is usually due to a firewall/server stopping your connection, but being nice enough to let you know about it.
Try pasting the exact URL you’re using here just to be a 100% sure though.
Can also try clearing the cache or viewing it in Private Browser mode to get rid of any anomalies caused by visiting the page in the past.

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Enjoy em. :boom:


Thank you for the advice, I followed all of your suggestions, but still no dice.

My only hope would be to use my phone’s LTE, but in general usage, it’s too damn slow :joy::sob:

I honestly don’t know what is going on, because I can access this fan-made tool kit for a gacha game

In general, I can’t access Squig Link itself, but everything else is accessible. Heck, I’ll flat out admit I can look at porn.


Try using openDNS or some other non default DNS. Not sure what device you are using but a quick google search should tell you where to edit the DNS for wifi or LTE

IPv4 addresses
IPv6 addresses

There is also Cloudflare’s

And others

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Thanks for support. I will have the production model in hand soon and will give a closer look in all manner.
They are using same shell as Symphonio VR1 which is metal and fits real good.
Subtle branding is great. Love it.


Final product will be a metal shell? Will it be a single DD?

Hope I can get it on Aliexpress as it makes it so easier for us in the south… :slight_smile:

Yes, single 10mm DD in a metal shell :white_check_mark: :ballot_box_with_check:


That’s great. I remember that video of you talking about one IEM, that you could punch someone with it that the iem would be ok instead of other sets. lol

My only hope now is that it doesn’t cost the same as the Symphonio otherwise that will be out of my comfort zone.

@luizgarcia “Slam” comes from mid bass and frequency graphs are amplitude scales.
Zen is not a heavy hitter by those 2 metrics and UP is audibly harder hitting with bass guitar, kick drum and Hip hop hits. :+1:

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This will be budget priced


Hey @hawaiibadboy , guess you read my impressions in the other thread! lol

Yeah i am really comparing the UP to a Fostex Ebony which is not very fair, and i never heard the Zens so i can’t tell how they compare.

In any case i am enjoying the UPs a lot, can’t find a single issue with them and my Teas are already for sale.

My only complaint is the stock cable, for $700 i was expecting something at least as good as the Fiio FD5 cable, but meh, cables are cheap to replace to my liking, hahaha

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Is this an IEM I should get? Sounds like it if it hammers.

ZEN is a pressed steel with black spray paint coating. It did well but it’s not a cannon it’s more loke a illumination or other gain focused sets.
Yeah my SA6 by DUNU cable came fucked out of box and DUNU straight up ignored me.
All those terminations worthless since the cable was faulty.
I got my Elysian X without the cable cuz I could not wait an do not care.
But shit should not fail out the box. Dunu 64 Audio (my U8) or any company