Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Classic track on a classic set :fist:

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For sure…Roxy, DX300, Z1R :musical_score::syringe: :+1:


Hmm, that JQ Audio White Knight seriously interests me given my library - but much as I’d like to, no way I can justify taking a punt at that cost (I’ve bought a CBR600 for less). Ah well, got a Legacy 2 coming for a taster of Be.


Perhaps a stupid question but how do you measure volume you’re listening at?

You can purchase a basic db meter or use an app in you phone which is probably less accurate…

For headphones, I’m aware of people doing this kind of thing to measure volume, but yeah, I don’t know how you’d do it with IEMs, so I’d be curious to know as well:

Love that song…:headphones::ok_hand:t2::+1:t2:
Walk a mile in my shoes ! - Big Daddy Wilson

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I would never have thought of something so simple yet so completely sensible as a way to get that done.


Out of curiosity, if you just leave the level meter out on the table or something, does it tell you the noise floor of the room? It’s been a pretty warm summer where I am and I’ve noticed that having the AC running or my computer’s fans or whatnot definitely seems to affect my ability to perceive detail, even with closed backs.

Like the bass paper tests…easily replicable is practical.
Styrofoam with hole punced almost to outer skin from backside, insert dB meter.
Poke from opposite side with pin and the IEM with no tip inserted and touching mic.
As long as that is always the pattern the meaurments are always relative to each other.
Minimal variables is the goal

@rgdelato Yes, the air con noise and whatever will be picked up. My AC leaves a background noise of about 38dB.
I usually turn off for a moment when I measure, even graphs (though it will have no impact) just for piece of mind


What equipment are you using to do your frequency analysis?


Have you had a chance to demo these puppies bro?

Just read a pretty hype review on plebbit

Sounds right up my alley


Damn, so sweet. Hope they sound as good as they look! looking forward

Also, have you reviewed the TSMR Land? can see see your unboxing but not a review. Not worth it, in your opinion?

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Yeah, I’m going to pass on doinga video for LAND.
If others enjoy, good for them.
Crapping on other folks joy happens sometimes but when it can be avoided…I avoid it. :+1:

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I have tried them but it was years ago. These have been out for about 5 years iirc?

That’s my review!

Yes the Oriolus Reborn (MK2) is 6 years old by now. It was very good then but today it doesn’t hold up at its price. Especially the treble isn’t up to par.

Yeah, I thought it was good but stuff moves so quickly I’n not going back 5 years when new gear is popping up all the time. :sweat_smile:
And in it’s time it was quite pricey