Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

Oooo, checking them out now :purple_heart:

My thoughts on the IE300:


Haha, brilliant read.
Ok, well, from what Iā€™ve read from you and other places, they do genuinely seem to do what I would want them to.

5.) There really doesnā€™t seem to be any mechanical load limit for the drivers, which I will explain below with a few song examples.

That had to be my favourite bit xD

This makes things very difficult though because

  • Theyā€™re Sennheiser and Iā€™m in the UK soā€¦ (vs the Chinese market)
  • Theyā€™re extremely cheap (compared to the other IEM Iā€™m considering)

Have you still got them; could you try a track for me please to see if thereā€™s any rumble or just tone?

Also, do you have the Teas to compare to?

I actually returned the IE300s myself. The bass is indeed glorious but i found the sound signature too dark AND sibilant at the same time, total mess for me and i really wanted to love these! YMMV of courseā€¦


I largely agree with his opinion:

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As I already wrote in my review:

In my opinion, these earphones are very suitable for electronic music, rap, hard rock, Dubstepā€¦ everything that needs energy, speed and hard impact.

They are not really ā€œspecialistsā€ for melodic, delicate pieces of music.

I never have and will never claim!

But @Purplezorz asked for an in-ear recommendation for the music genres mentioned above.

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I tried both, the Teas blow the IE300 away for me.

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In which music genre?

For me it was mostly Rock, Metal and Acoustic Rock, but i tried some test tracks including pop and bass heavy stuff i dont even know the genreā€¦

Well, this is what makes the hobby both fun and exasperating - differing opinions, references and ears.
Itā€™s come a long way now.
I think because my headphone journey has been so long, Iā€™m a little impatient with in ears - and itā€™s only recently where Iā€™ve felt like listening to them.

The all time best in ears I heard were the Noble Khans and it wasnā€™t even close to anything Iā€™ve ever heard before or after (including the Z1R) - pretty rare to have someone hear Noble stuff though and itā€™s silly expensive (though Iā€™m repulsed, but not surprised that there are a plethora of IEMs costing 1K-4K more).

Iā€™m following BGGAR because he was one of the rare few that made a video and an entire sub forum detailing what actual basshead stuff is. Itā€™s moved way past that now - crazy EQ and power doesnā€™t work well when reviewing and comparing many, many different headphones and IEMs, but at the very least if I ask about sub bass, he wonā€™t throw up unless it rolls off by -20db by the time you get to 30hz.
But also, heā€™s championing referencing specific parts in music when reviewing which used to be sorely lacking in the hobby.

People in here seem to adopt that same mantra and have a plethora of knowledge too so itā€™s all good :slight_smile:

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That was an epic moment in time for this hobby for those who were there.
Basic physics and the residue of low frequency and a simple but effective way of checking/testing
and KILLING myths of so called bass gods .
Was easyyy to replicate and do at home and hundreds maybe thousands did.
That was fun.

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When a stranger on a forum gets you pissedā€¦STOP
And remember
You donā€™t even know that guy.

You have to walk a mile in a personā€™s shoes.

Cuz you will then be a mile awayā€¦
And you got their shoes :sunglasses:


Whatā€™s Ice Cube sayā€¦ā€So come on and chickity-check yoā€™ self before you wreck yoā€™ self
Chickity-check yoā€™ self before you wreck yoā€™ self ā€œ



Elder statesman ā€¦Mr Cube.

Boyz n Tha Hood is perfect snapshot of L.A. at that time.
I got shot in my knee in West Covina inside an hour of when I arrived in LAX.

Street my Flight attendant girl lived on looked exactly like the movie too.
Good times.

Those look good! And also love the black carbon fiber shell. Waiting forward for the impressions video!

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The E07M?
Yeah stoked for those!

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Yeah, very curious. Got yours already? Every time i see that black carbon i get tempted

Edit: just saw your top10 video. Is there differences between mest og and mk2?

MKII has a bit more bass than OG MEST. I never could get a good fit with 1st version besides the ā€œJPā€ version

EJ07M arrives tomorrow :boom:


Hard to go a day without listening to my Z1Rā€™s :heart_eyes:

Oh, catch that buzz
Z1R is the drug
Iā€™m thinking of
Oh, canā€™t you see
Z1R is the drug for me
Oh, oh
Oh, oh


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