IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Did you see the breather holes? Well, basically just holes without any screen. Cable in cheap chi-fi looks better than the one supplied with these IEMs.

As someone who experienced excessive pressure from IEMs, I don’t mind the holes if they avoid this pressure build up. Also yeah, cables in videos I saw didn’t look great, but they at least look functional and that’s enough for me.

Just to be clear: I didn’t hear these, only saw some videos on it and thought they are gorgeous, that’s all.

If you are looking for something with a pressure relief system look no further than 64audio and FIR audio iems. By far the leaders in that type of tech. Just a really fatigue free comfy listen


I saw the video too. What is really sad is that for the asking price they could spend $200-300 BRL and get a better cable from a Chinese manufacturer. If you look closely it looks as if there’s some discoloration on the resil close to the stabilized wood faceplate. Maybe that is just because it’s a demo unit but nonetheless that’s lack of attention to details in a market in which the competition is really competent in offering the best package, accessories, cables, tips etc.

As for the holes, even much cheaper chi-fi shells made of resil have screened breather holes.

They are not doing enough even if it sounds amazing. Just look at Mangird Tea. It’s a 300 usd iem and there’s attention to detail. In portuguese, it’s “desleixo” (sloppiness) what Audio Dream is offering for usd 2600.


That’s a fair point. But I guess since getting the Elegia, I can somehow understand getting something only for the sound, even if the wires are shit. But I agree, for that amount of money I would at least expect a decent cable, maybe with either multiple terminations or multiple cables.

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Today I would like to contribute my 2 cents to the Sennheiser IE300:

Sometimes it is necessary to step beyond one’s own shadow in order to really appreciate the true quality and value of something.


When I started walking to my favorite local bakery yesterday morning, I grabbed my Sennheiser IE300, connected it to my BTR5, and then started the playlist prepared by Apple Music with the topic:

“Recommendations for you, based on yours listening habits ”.

Well, I usually tend to move into the genres: blues, jazz, folk, acoustic rock, psychedelic & indie.

Which is usually reproduced in the recommended playlists if you use Spotify.

But now Amazon & Apple music “dares” to sprinkle a title of a completely different genre from time to time, in this case.

So yesterday I had the “pleasure” :woozy_face: to meet the “artists” Leona Lewis, A $ AP Rocky :thinking:,


Carli XCX and a guy named Drake.

Well, thank you Apple for that.


If you now know that I hear music rather moderately to softly volume levels, especially in the morning, you will understand that I was rather disappointed at first.

Not only because of the presented proposals, but also because of the rather “thin” tonal qualities.

Since I know about the G-spot factor :face_with_hand_over_mouth: through volume regulation, I took the courage and simply increased the volume, and increased, and increased, and suddenly it was there, the tonal orgasm.

In retrospect, I have to state that the real sound potential of these earphones has not even been exhausted for weeks.

Why, because it just didn’t seem necessary in my preferred genres, since the sound picture provided was presented relatively satisfactorily, with a slight tendency towards bass-heavy.

In view of my “new” experience, my entire impression about these earphones changes.

From now on I will call the IE300:

The cross-border commuters!


1.) Because they are actually best in volume regions that could be hard at the load limit for continuous listeners :exploding_head:.

2.) In their representation of the higher frequencies always sound very close to the limit of what is generally criticized as “Beyerpeak” :dizzy_face:, but never quite reached it, so after a certain time I took my fingers off the volume control with the I just wanted to prevent unnecessary pain. For this reason, the raised bass suddenly makes sense, so the tonal coordination is wonderfully balanced.

3.) Due to this full utilization of all frequency ranges, this in-ear reproduces the music so extensively and intensely, and thus uses literally every square millimeter of your head / brain.

When you close your eyes, it goes off in such a structured way.

You can perceive anything and everything that is taking place in the performance.

Not outside, but always up to the stop in the cerebral cortex.

It feels like the artist is singing directly in the eye, not in front of it and not behind it.
I have actually never experienced anything like it in this form and intensity.

4.) The imaging of the musical performance is, as I describe it once, an 8K television for the ears :100:.

You can really assign and localize everything extremely precisely, and you always have a precise overview over the entire song.

Which is associated with a huge problem, you want to keep listening, but you actually know exactly that it is not beneficial to have music played so loudly.

5.) There really doesn’t seem to be any mechanical load limit for the drivers, which I will explain below with a few song examples.

So my conclusion is first of all:

This earphone is definitely unique in its class.

No ChiFi headphones that I have ever heard would be capable of these “extreme” ones, they would be completely overloaded, or tonally tuned so high that they would cause pain in the ears.

All of this had the result that on the way home from the bakery, to the song Bang Bang, from the ladies: Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj (none of them previously known or mentally repressed),

I moved forward with indicated dance steps


:rofl: Well, at least it got me the smile of a nice lady.


With this song, the drivers of most of the in-ears and / or headphones start to flutter from second 18 onwards, and lose a lot of precision, the 300’s cope with this without any problems, even at high volumes.

The “singing” :joy: that starts almost at the same time, I rather call it “mumbling”, comes crystal clear to the ears despite the intense strain on the drivers.

It can also be seen at any time that the entire recording has a clear three-dimensionality, voices, pitches and movements are absolutely traceable.

This type of playback, with such a mainstream recording, is rather unusual in my experience,

I can prrrrove it :laughing:


This song, too, is reproduced with astonishing tonal abilities.
Anyone who likes electronic drums will be impressed by the fast and deliberately mechanical sounding precision.

When the voice “groans” from the background in second 42, the spatial precision makes it almost audiophile :wink:.


This song perfectly presents the experiences I’ve had with mass productions of this type, often with headphones.

(Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus …)

As a rule, most of the in-ear’s start with overwhelmed drivers, due to the violent onset of e-drum beats, and then flow smoothly into a completely washed-out vocal performance, which is overlaid by all kinds of electronic impulse instruments, and appears on many headphones as sound pulp.

The IE300 also reproduces this song in a relatively structured way, almost three-dimensionally, without being overwhelmed for even a second.

It doesn’t really sound tinny, as is often the case with such recordings :+1:.


Here we have Rap in 3D, clearly understandable, fast, without appearing strained, with spatial qualities that one would generally call a stage in audiophile music.

Sennheiser :fist_right: :fist_left:

For the fact that I tend to “ignore” this type of music usually, you (Sennheiser) managed to mention it in detail in connection with the IE300.

If someone is into this music genre, or electronically influenced music in general:

e’ voila’ :bangbang:

Here is your in-ear, in this sector it plays exceptionally well :sunglasses: :bangbang:

PS .:
Of course, it also works with the musical inclinations that I appreciate, but it is more in line with the price range, but due to its intensity, with one distinguishing feature.


know or have you heard the iem veedix silver string? It has 7 drivers very similar to the mangird tea. I haven’t heard it but they say it’s good but i can’t find reviews for this iem.

So, Blon A8, If I keep them tighter in my ears/away from concha rim I am good on comfort from 7 to 9. Also, I found out that I was listening slightly too loud, lowered volume by 5 on my v20 and gtg. Sorry I didn’t catch it earlier.

Any Etymotic fan here can tell me if the Neon can be a good alternative to the er4s? I heard it’s equipped with similiar Knowles ba.

I like Etymotic’s sound signature and the Neon defiantly gets close. Not quite as detailed, but also quite clear as well. The sound stage is a bit wider, but with slightly less precise positioning and separation. All of these are pretty close though. The treble is quite a bit more rolled off then the ER4, a lot closer to the Er2 line in that respect, which is either a negative or a godsend depending on your tolerances.

Fit wise they really want to be inserted ety deep, but the nozzle is quite a bit bigger so ymmv on comfort and fit. The default cable is so much less fiddly and annoying compared to Etymotic. It uses a pretty standard connection instead of a locking right angle mmcx and it is far less microphonic, though the chin cinch is pretty useless.

Also Rikudou got a set a little after mine arrived and had some issues with his pair so QC may not be the best…

Overall I bought it because it looked interesting and I am glad it is in my IEM collection. Is it a 1to1 alternative to Etymotic…no. Is it a reasonably good IEM for the price and uses a similar style tuning…I think so.

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Hi guys, this may sound different

I got and offer to buy a DUNU SA6 for $300 but without its base cable DUNU DUW03

is it okay to buy the SA6 without the cable and buy an Cheaper cable from Chifi like KBEAR or Penon

Skeptical because I’m thinking I could not get the best sound out of It without the stock cable.

Will it make any difference in sound with the chifi cable of same type?
Is it a good deal?

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I think you’ll be fine. The main benifit is the plugs. That type of cable you can get anywhere. Check xihns store for a close one, if you want to!

So the cable doesn’t matter right , so any cable with Silver coated copper will do right ?

Well, thats up to each one. Some people believe cables do a diffence, other people dont. Its a long and aged discussion in the hobby it seems.

If you want my opinion, im pretty sure that if you get an aftermaket cable thst is well built, it will be 99.9% the same as that dunu, minus the plugs.

Check out @Rikudou_Goku cable list. It got a very nice long list already. Just filter for what you want and compare.

Remember, get something that looks good with your IEM and that you like. Looks improve sound, right? :joy:

Edit: the list im talking about!


Awesome I’ll look into the cables then

After reading several articles this is and never ending hole about cables :man_facepalming:Makes difference

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Well i’ve heard differences, but that has to be with build quality and resistance. If you get a very bad cable, it may change some very sensitives iems.

I believe a little bit in cable difference, even tho its small,so i think its just my head (placebo). Even if i believe it, ill never rec a cable because xyz. If you look into the xihns cables, ill recommend the a1 and a25 on riku’s list. Very nice and well built. If you like the graphene look, ill recommend the graphene 8 core @Resolution just mesured in another thread,but its expensive!


I highly recommend this cable from Xinhs. It’s very flexible, non tangling and it’s not that expensive. If my memory serves me well, it’s also been measured by @Rikudou_Goku
Dealing with Xinhs has always been nothing but a pleasure, one of the best sellers on Ali for sure.

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Yeah xinhs is the best store in aliexpress. Just ordered a custom and he moved mountains just to try to get me what i wanted. Best guy ever


Do you have the A25 cable link?

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Keep in mind thats both 8 core. The version riku has is 6 cores (2 gold 1silver - you can ask to costumize if you want a 6 core). I have the 6core a25 and 4 core + 8 core of A1.

If i had to rec one, i’d rec A1 (brighter copper) for the looks and price, its my favourite of the two.

This one is very nice, I’ll get in the future, but its more expensive (around 80$). Check @Resolution post below!

This one is very nice. You can also ask for a custom bright + dark copper (from A1) 8 core cable. @paulwasabii has this on his YouTube channel!

I love the looks, the feels, the quality and the connectors. I wont rec without telling you its an heavy cable. You’re warned. This is the best cable I own. Its copper + spc. Again, heavy than the rest.