RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Yes, but the BLON clamps perfectly into the shape of my auricle.

While the cable connection of the IE900 is so close to my auricle that even with slight movements, the earphones are, so to speak, levered out.



I think Monarch & Co would be perfect for my ears :laughing:

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To this day I still think that both the Tin HiFi T2 and the BLON 03 are milestones in in-ear history.

Both seal perfectly in my ears, so I have no problems with sound loss.

As an introduction to an “audiophile world”, these are still real “grenades” :+1: :100: :boom:

Even though I have much more expensive earbuds, I still enjoy using these two in everyday life :sunglasses:


Rediscovered the BL-03 recently after having them stored away in a drawer for a long time. I tend to agree. I had moved on to higher performing stuff but recently decided to come back to them and I have to say I’m still impressed. Now I’m putting a little money into getting them exactly the way I want in terms of ergonomics and fine tuning the sound. I am using the ePro horn tips which are long and wide enough to give me the secure fit I need, plus soft enough that they are comfortable for longer periods of time. I did the mesh mod that @Rikudou_Goku suggests, and I am now waiting on a custom cable that I hope will be the last piece of the puzzle.


Am I the only oddball who wears the Tin T2 upside down (cables going down)?

Hi there. What’s a good IEM rec for me. $1k ish budget. I like a nice deep bass but not bloated. I like an intimate sound so not really wide sound stage. But i love depth and layering! Vocals matter a lot, but I’m pretty sensitive to treble , but as long as it’s airy it’s fine. Timbre is very important, especially with vocals and bass instruments and drums.Any help would be very appreciative!


Your budget is out of my league lol. If you can go that high up, you might want to ask @hawaiibadboy on his thread: Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) - #1823 by Purplezorz

Otherwise it sounds like you should look for L-shaped or bass-boosted neutral iems and preferably single DD since they are the masters of timbre and coherency.

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Man, you have got some large ears! Lucky!!! The Variations just fits me. lol

I’ve never taken shots of my ears with IEMs in them. Now I’m really interested in how they look in my ears. I wonder if I have more space than I actually think I do. You can almost fit two Variations in there. lol!

Do you have problems keeping them in your ears/falling out?

Do you have the Monarch or Clair? Really interested to see how they would fit you. They are the largest IEMs I own.

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I’d suggest putting up a thread with what you’re looking for in an iem as that’s usually the best way to get more people’s views and suggestions on what you can get :blush:

The tip collection is getting bigger and the IEM collection getting smaller, i think i am doing something wrong :crazy_face:


So I could understand buying 1 package in multiple sizes since not every manufacturers small is the same… but multiple packages of different sizes is kinda odd.

These are dirty cheap and shipping from Japan is expensive, so it made sense to me…

And there was no option of 1 package with multiple sizes


Makes sense if there was a bulk shipping discount. I forgot about that. There not being a multi size pack is why I though you got 2 sizes… it was jut the 2 packs of the same style in 2 sizes that threw me off.

Well if i like one i want to have multiple of the same

I tend to toss tips into my cart when I buy other things, since they are generally pretty cheep compared to other things I get. So I don’t tend to stock up on extras until I settle on wanting more. But I can see your point.

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Since you got multiple size, you can try this little trick:

(Final Audio F series image)

Taking the smallest size that you can still get a good seal with and using it deeper than normal.


Funny you just posted this info, i swear i was about to post the same thing!!!

I recently got S size Spinfits and tried some of the S size Type Es and i was mind blown when i realized i can get a fit out of any of my S size tips as long as i use a deeper insertion.

The trick is to use your oposing hand to pull your ear outside while inserting the IEM, that opens the ear canal and allows you to insert it deeper with zero effort.

There are two huge gains of this method;

  • Some iems will fit a LOT better with a deeper insert, because they will no longer sit in your ear cartilage;
  • Some iems deliver a very different sound when inserted deeper;

These 2 points impacted the FD5 in a way i would never imagine, they are now my most comfortable iem even with that odd shape!

The Mangird Tea in the other hand has a longer nozzle and the insertion gets way too deep with this method so it is not very comfortable.

Tips indeed make or break iems!


I don’t own a set, but your wish list sounds very similar to how other folks describe the Shuoer EJ07. $850 I think. Those were hand madw…there’s a mass-produced version coming out soon, EJ07m. $699 I think, but don’t trust my memory for either price.


I’m still new in the hobby, and the deep insertion method is the only one I can get a seal with, for now. Maybe I should try bigger tips…

Anyhow, I do agree it depends on the earphone: I think SSR, for example, is made for a deep insertion.
