Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)

SO good looking.

Ohh! Yeah fair enough I thought they were fairly new.
Nice review @Rcayn . What are your favorite IEM for bass now?

Can anyone with a PC and another with phone
android and IOS download and post a graph.
Any graph.
Testing it out. Thanks.

URL or screenshot?


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Copying a screenshot using the screenshot button on an IOS device gives this error

The webpage at blob: might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

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Interesting if there are more then 1 IEM selected it throws that error if it is just 1 it works fine

Image from IOS

Extra testing 2 IEMs fail no matter if your target line is also selected or not.

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I saw this posted and it has no attributes, watermark or text…no idea how that occured so wanna see how or using what?

@TkSilver Thanks for the help :+1:
@blanche Tahnks for the help :+1:

Here is linux

Allows for at least 9 IEMs, but didnt test more then that since the chart with 9 is already silly.

The decibel and frequency lines match squig in how they are labeled (I checked to see if it was a match to crin’s graph tool and his scales are labeled differently).

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All ok on a MacBook Pro :+1:

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Samsung Android Tablet

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My guess: the guy photoshopped the image. With the configuration you show, I think I could even do it with MS Paint :sunglasses:

Urbanfun YBF Beryllium version. It’s got that delicious beryllium-bounce that trumps virtually all other aspects of bass. It isn’t as high in resolution though.

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I thought it was from a certain OS or a mobile version of an OS rmoving my watermark.
I took it away from center to keep away from graph but didn’t think folks would do that.
Not cool.
I could do it with MS paint too :sweat_smile:

Ah! That was probably me.

I did that on iPhone, having had clicked the BGGAR target off, and then clicking the “Screenshot” button. The file downloaded off the Safari browser, from there I saved the image from my downloads into Photos app, and then uploaded it onto the forum.

This is interesting. I tried again, but this time comparing it to manually screenshotting it with my own screenshot button combo on the phone. The watermark disappears if I use your Screenshot button on screen, but the watermark is there otherwsise (while just looking at it or taking a screenshot manually).

I’m sitting here feeling like…oh my god! I don’t want him to think I would actually attempt to remove a watermark that shows his work he put in! My heart sank lol. More than that, I should go out of my way to credit you if I ever use these in videos (which I plan to, if that’s allowed?).

Using screenshot button…

Using manual button controls…


Thanks for letting me know. Figured it was a particular scenario :+1:
Edit, I didn’t think you did anything sketchy cuz I tried it and it’s a chore :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I got to see how it appears different in different OS so it was educational


Alambic Ears Mundaka frequency graph


BA is semi-full range (300-3000kHz)

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@hawaiibadboy Try Highway to Hell when/if you have the chance on the Xenns UP. Am I going crazy or does it fill out nicer on the set compared to the MEST? I like what the UP does to it more anyway!

I pulled the trigger on the UPs; @hawaiibadboy I’ve been convinced and couldn’t wait anymore.
Hopefully they make it to the UK in one piece, but probably gonna take a couple weeks so, let the waiting begin :slight_smile:
Mangird deserve it after the Teas.
Still looking forward to the tribrid shootout - Clairvoyance and Monarch are still held in high regard.