Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Second photo with IMR. There will be a review? :smirk:

P.S. My first over 200$ purchase was IMR :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hmmmm less we forget?…some folk won’t!


My take on the whole thing is that it’s ambiguous. I have respect for the conclusion that IMR must have been founded using the scam money, but also the counter conclusion that Bob was not personally involved.

I know that:

  • Even as someone who had never bought a new item from him, he gave incredible service to me when I had other people’s second hand IEMs on two different occasions. He’s provided the best service I’ve received from any company, even when I haven’t been a paying customer. He takes care of customers and has pride in what he’s made.

  • It’s not a rule set in stone, but in my experience thieves/scammers don’t just do it once. Someone who gets a lot of money for free, and spends it, doesn’t want to work for the next pay out, they want to keep getting easy money. Since the Trinity scandal, (Bob says he had left Trinity by then) IMR (while admittedly having long delays and pm) has continued to deliver very expensive IEMs to people for years without taking the money and running.

  • After sales service for actual customers is excellent and easy to find examples to read about: no questions asked replacements or repairs. In some cases upgrades. Not a necessary feature of a company if it was rooted in getting other peoples money in the easiest way possible.

So I largely had my mind changed on it by personal experience and observation.

Back to my starting sentence though… if the above doesn’t change someone’s mind I completely get that, and think that’s valid. It’s just another anecdote on one side, of a case that’s inconclusive in my mind.

It’s clear that Trinity Audio ran a massive scam, but we only have statements and observations and inferences from there on for people to decide if IMR was founded using that money, whether Bob was in on the scam.



If I get a set with WU TANG badges…I’m reviewing it no matter what brand it is on. :notes: :v:

No, we have enraged U.K. audiophiles who dug into business and Tax records.
Let’s move on.

If you honestly want to go down the road of who, what and how much …I will.
It seems best at this point to be left alone.

Enjoy the music, trust your gut.
The drama in the hobby is already like a sport for Les Misérables
Misery loves company…lets ignore em so they only have themselves to rage/claim/insult and trash talk with.

What I am trying to say is…
Listen to some music.
Enjoy some good food
Interact with peoples who’s face you can touch and see…not pixels and pictures and walls of text like this.


I stand corrected - I didn’t realize it was more than conjecture.

It was years ago, the folks who were impacted moved on so outsiders not impacted …we should just move along (IMO)
If this is an IMR with WU TANG badges Ima review it and make no mention.
It has nothing to do with audio and if IMR is doing well then good for their customers
I just care about SQ,QA/QC…and that’s it :notes: :v:


Spotted a baby bear in the wild (on the sofa actually)


OMG I can’t show theese pics of your cute son to the wife she would have me unfixed LOL.


I’m looking at purchasing a yinlvmei dac/amp.

Does the m400 and a2 sound like tube amps? I’m talking about the manly thick warm tube like n3pro not the simp type of nutube like the c9.

M400 does have a warm lush musical replay. My Patreon got it from me and he loves it

Is m400 better than calyx m?

It is very much like it but a tad cleaner, still leans to warm musical .

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But m400 is alot more powerful than Calyx right?

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Yes, it has more power and balanced output.

My ADHD just fucking LOVES this stuff


Lol. Very trippy. But did count how many times the graph changed? My OCD made me want to give it a try.

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Athena looks great :eyes: How’s the resolution?


Pretty good. I gotta think of what to compare it with…