Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

And there was me thinking a product range couldn’t be any more confusing than KZ :smile::man_facepalming:


Well, 2 blue line graphs were pretty genius
And Quartet is 4 and Quintet is 5
So spelling and numbers…it’s rough
I mean spelling…what…too much
and numbers?
GTFOH with your voodoo man


Duodecet v’s U12T :smile:


Probably in the works…
I think a tribrid like monarch is coming down the line since they seem to be growing at early thieAudio days level.

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Big old geometry teacher grin over here :grin:


New most annoying company of 2023 award goes to
How many check in mails can a company send?
Answer: YES


Funny enough, I’m using my sound peats true engine SE 3s right now while the wife is resting her legs on my lap, sleeping on the couch. Can’t have too many cables getting tangled up if she moves :sweat_smile:

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Air 3 pro and Engine 4 in hand.


Very cool. I’ve been a fan of the company for a while, had the 2s and now the 3s - it’s been about 3 years now since I heard of em. The True Engine 3s have a similar fr to the Khan and the TE Zero I believe, so the sq is enjoyable for a TWS on the go when cables and IEMs are too cumbersome :+1:

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giphy (34)

Just jammed out for 2 hours while working and thought I had a Xenns TOP in ear…had a blast. More than usual with that set.
Take it out and turn on a brighter light and it is Prestige…
I gotta revisit that set.


Talking about fails have you heard anything about Fearless? another company that had a stellar start then lost the plot…shame as their set’s always looked :gem: too :cry:

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Was taken over by the OEM which is rare in most hobbies cuz the front end company trailblazes then you cancel their contract, rebrand to yourself then walk that cleared path.
Shitty business move.
And The OEM will never get to where Fearless was or coulda gone.

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Maybe them and GS could not agree on anything and Feerless went looking for a new OEM ? Just speculation on my paet.

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OEM canceled contract. The name was not transferred because all the time promo and samples ever sent out over fearless’s life were at a cost to Linsoul who got em at dealer cost but still paid some for every single sample.

This kind of maneuvering is extremely rare. Myself and crin and others had some sets rated quite well and Crin’s 1st collab “Dawn” was pretty amazing and was with fearless.
Sellers are now much more involved with developing in house brands to increase p margins and contracts also address this kind of event.

Fearless Audio…was a pretty cool name. Means nothing but in a world with gems like “TRN” “KZ” “YBF” “AFUL” “Tripowin” “BLON”…
Fearless Audio seems absolutely considered…


Sure was a real standout from the normal Chifi ‘dip your hand into a Scramble bag’ approach…Do you know who did the tuning on their S8P/S8F because he/she was just getting into their stride :+1: shame because that’s about the time Chifi was…


Assuming the “K” is the right graph, from 3k until 8k, the flatter one is the Quartet. There is about 4db difference in that region, and the treble for the Quintet looks very typical Harmon, where the Quartet looks more like the P1 Max.

I could argue that most things worth listening to have a bass boost, so I expect that.

Sure, Harman doesn’t boost the treble much off of neutral, but Harman has a bigger 3k bump. Quintet corrects it’s bass shelf to IEF neutral standards by 300Hz and basically follows the target the rest of the way through, except a little easier pinna gain.

That’s not Harman in the midrange, which is where Harman tuning really kicks

That was sort of my point, by 2k the Quartet is done with the rising pinna already, while the Quintent looks like 80% of the “Harmon style” IEMs on the market. From 2k-8k, it might as well be a Blessing 3.

I tend to think the hallmark of Harmon is the gain region plus some bass boost. To your point, I suppose without the recessed mids, it doesn’t work, so that makes sense.

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Yup, they were just strongly set up before the hobby exploded. Lotta money and ideas left on the table
Plenty of other companies to take money for stuff they made already but added 1dB at 5Khz and added a “better” driver…and lots of folks ready to suck it up with their money

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I’ll be getting :call_me_hand: :notes: