Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

I feel your loss and am sorry

By terrible coincidence this is the day my girl passed away. I turn on the star at 3:45 Nov 24th every year while holding her picture.
I showed vids of light testing but the lights are not turned on for view until the star on tree (not in vids yet) is turned on which is about 3 hours from now.
I am very sorry for your loss bro


Damn, brother. I am so sorry for your loss. I’ve lost many many pets in my day and it never gets easier. The thought of the crippling feeling of loss makes me avoid getting close to animals, especially dogs.

I feel for you, man.


Sorry cant even imagine your loss.


Thanks guys…holy shit Chris you lost your girl on Thanksgiving too…now I feel some type of kinship with you…that tribute you do for her each year really shows your big heart

The thing I love most about pets is that you can trust them unequivocally, there is never any ulterior motive in them…they are the most trustworthy friend you can have in your whole life other than your wife (the keepers) and your kids

I’ll have my friend cremated and place his ashes next to the ashes of my other fallen friends…my collection of urns is almost as big as my IEM collection…fuck

After my last cat Drexel I waited too long to get another because I was so devastated…my wife and I have decided not to wait so long this time. I think it would be healthier for me to put my energy into another crazed kitten…the search has begun.

Chris, hug the picture of your cat at that moment in time knowing I’ll be thinking about you, her and my boy at the same time

Thanks guys…God bless you all


That is the way brother.
There is a Scene ina Movie called “Magnolia”
After it rained frogs, and the guy got caught by the cop.
He says “I really do have love to give…I just don’t know where to put it”

I dropped a tear 1st time I saw. You know where to put it :heart: Family. The ones we hold and the ones that hold us


Sorry for your loss bro
I’ve never owned a pet, family is against it and where i live…
I know I wouldn’t be too responsible of an owner…
I would like to have one someday…

I’ve interacted with a few cats for a long time my life
One ran over by car

, another… I saw it petrified along the street after a few days of not seeing, had flies over it. The people cleaning up there told me to leave it to them to handle…

Had a time when a kitten I knew suddenly just disappeared…

Also the times I had to leave the country, had to leave the cats I knew…

All those times felt heartbroken bruh. Not as close as living with one like family and losing it entirely, but yeah.

Hope things get better for ye eventually maybe one day… maybe… rescue a stray if you happen to meet along the way, its just life…


So sorry for your loss.

I have a big yellow tomcat that is about 18 years old, he was about 7 when we got him ( the owner was going into assisted living ). I went about a decade without a cat before we got him, and my prior cat was 22 when he passed away. He has been part of the family for a while now, and will be missed when he it gone.


Ohhh HBB’s video this morning is kind of spicy.


@hawaiibadboy Totally agree with ya brother. Customer service and QC should be top priorities but often is not in the audiophile industry. Most companies (both retailers and manufacturers) only care about raking in the cash but not taking care of their customers before and after the sale, especially after the sale.

Not surprising companies are bribing popular reviewers/influencers such as yourself with collabs and review units, hoping you’d say good things about their products and use you as their marketing department… until they no longer feel you’re an asset or you criticize them and their products.

I hope you say f it and expose these companies some day. I’m willing to bet one of them is KZ. Honestly can’t believe you let them get away with changing the mesh and tuning of the PR2 but kept your name and logo on the box and unit.


I can’t believe it took me so long to add to my rankings…it’s like the most important bit of info to pass on.

I have been sounding an alarm about message guiding and narrative control for about a year. It’s partly why some calculus about the profit of good Customer service (not build Qualty assurances,) is being kinda abandoned seemingly and suddenly…if folks have not noticed a big dropoff in last 12 months…they are not paying close attention. The Bot/Meatbag swarms are a big reason. It’s getting worse too

The hobby thinks they can manhandle the reviewers because most of the time they can.
They wouldn’t do it if it didn’t work


It doesn’t help that most hobbyists treat IEMs as disposable anyway, either selling of a set or putting it in a drawer after a few months so they can get whatever the new hotness is


@Toecutter So sorry for your loss, lost mine recently also.


Holy shit bro…that’s one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite lines…this is getting creepy

“Don’t get too strong Donny”

“What Am I Doing? I’m Quietly Judging You.”

Fuckin epic…P.T. Anderson is one of my favorite directors


Yeah, lotta critics paned it, they couldn’t see the genius of it.
Tom Cruises performance was maybe the best he has ever done.

I just re watched Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto

This scene is amazing…after all she is an Oracle

After watching it I checked online and incrediblly…in FUCKING CREDIBLY many major review sites saw the ending where he sees the European ships at the beach…and they said Mel was implying the White man was coming to save them from their self Genocidal ways…

That Oracle scene text:

  • [Oracle Girl ]: [the Prophecy]

You fear me?
So you should.
All you who are vile.
Would you like to know how you will die? The sacred time is near.
Beware the blackness of day.
Beware the man who brings the jaguar.
Behold him reborn from mud and earth.
For the one he takes you to will cancel the sky, and scratch out the earth.
Scratch you out. And end your world.
He’s with us now.
Day will be like night. And the man jaguar will lead you to your end.

Tiger paw led them in a chase right to the ships…and …they looked lke they all knew their sky was about to be fucking canceled.

Shoulda won an Oscar…epic epic film
Mel gave them Crayons and a connect the dots paper in that Oracle scene and they missed it.


^^^ X2 great soundtrack too :+1:

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Without a doubt…worthy of at least a nomination in my eyes.
Apocalypto is another one of my favs…Mels direction is impeccable and love the decision to use the indigenous language

Trying to get over my friends passing by listening to a lot of music

Tried Eminems remix of Runnin’ from tha Police with Wallace and Shakur…no dice
Thought maybe something more sentimental but I was afraid it might bring up some shit in me and I’m trying to be stoic

Started with Bill Withers (Lovely Day), moved onto Sam Cooke (A Change is Gonna Come) wound up with The Carpenters (We’ve only Just Begun) and it seems to help …painfully so

On a lark I picked up an EPZ Q5 that does a remarkable Rich Little of my 700 ducat Meze Advar but at a slightly different price point…1/14 difference, just to see how it stacks…I’m not going to say it competes but I gotta tell ya…it’s pretty fuckin good…does Karens voice real well even with the 5k peak

Thank God for music…

Advar has a better buiid quality but the Q5 is no slouch in that department

Thanks again Chris and all of guys…your support has meant a lot to me and I’ll never forget it


The Advar is like a Ferrari the Q5 is a Lada thats how apart I heard them.

I liked the Q5 but no comparison on a proper source.

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Hidizs Whale fund exposed


Totally agree…Z28 to Berlinetta buuut…

700 to 50…I was just curious

50 bux experiment…no biggie

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Tone…just watched your Scarlet review…warm and gooey, right out of the oven…with a whole bunch of cinnamon…haha…no edits suites your style…good job