Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

My Google-fu is weak today. Lurked on the Discord and Squig aswell. Has anyone measured both PR2:s and published graphs perhaps?

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As a side note today I picked up a Moondrop Stellaris for £50 sealed. Not sure what all the reviews were talking about its stellar… About the only people to give it a good review were @hawaiibadboy and @ZeosPantera and they were both bang on the money a superb buy at a ridiculously cheap price I’m super stoked :metal:


Thanks for the trust. Music is the context so, having same library helps a lot. Enjoy :call_me_hand: :notes:

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I figured I should just get the EW200, given that both everyone that listens to them seems to think they are one of the best budget sets out right now. So I ordered a pair this morning.


Hey @hawaiibadboy, been awhile since you gave me my first rec of FD5 and got me down the rabbit hole of this hobby.

I am curious if you ever got to demo the U4s. I replaced my U12t with it as I preferred the warmer mid-bass tilt but I’m now even more intrigued by the FatFreq SE and GM. You’re tonal preference is really spot on to what I like after a lot of experimenting over the years.

Maybe as an addition to the collection, though I’m not sure if I want to push to GM level budget. SE seems doable. I only worry the air region may be a bit on the darker side to what I’m used to (and enjoy) with 64A’s tia stuff.

Figured I could use an autoEQ tune to get a vague idea but you don’t have a U4s squig up unfortunately. Do you plan to add it or do you not end up going through with the U4s pickup?


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Hey bro, thanks for the trust. I only did a store demo of U4s so my experience is limited. I also liked more than u12t for same reason as you.
SE hammers but only when music calls for it. I don’t think it has the energy up top the tia’s give you. I you need that, pass. If you want a slight switch up which can also hammer, grab SE. The Grand is more matching your pref but that is quite pricey.


How is the fit for you?
That was a big deal breaker for me.
I liked the bass a lot on it.

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6 months old today.
Time flies!!!


The paw costume looks cute! Happy 1/2 Birthday, lil Kai!


Using AZLA SednaEarfit MAX tips and a thick cable they fit really well can wear them for hours. I do have big ears though I use XL tips to get a seal 14mm-15mm

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Hey, @hawaiibadboy (and everyone)
I have a question and I think you might help me if you get a chance.
I am looking into getting the shortbus glamdring but I am having trouble knowing how to do so exactly, can’t find an email or discord link, do you think you can help me with that? I read he is going to make a new batch next month so I would love to be ready for it.

I never thought the day would come where my google skills would fail me but here we are haha

Thanks a lot in advance

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Got you, fam


Awesome, thanks :slight_smile: do you know if I should get a confirmation email or something after filling out the form?

That I don’t know. I haven’t actually filled it out :clown_face:

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I filled it out a week or two ago and never heard anything. From what I have heard it will probably be a month before the he starts the next batch


A Zeus with actual sub bass. :notes:


They look pretty sick. I need to not look at them, they are talking to me.

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Curious if Quintet could be an upgrade to Timeless…


Man, the cut at 3K is just perfect on the timeless. Thanks for bringing back the memories :face_holding_back_tears:


They do look dope. Have a weird 3D thing going on. Whatever it was it triggers my ADHD in a happy way