Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

It’s the step up from olina w/2 DD Not related to Kai besides me putting my sons name in a 2nd collab :heart_on_fire:cus Kailua means 2 currents and with 2DD that just seemed too perfect :ocean:


Remember those shoes with the gel stuff in them that you could press and it would swirl back in the 90s? The shells kind of remind me of those, the blue one more specifically :blush:


I was wearing beach slippaz unless in school. I missed the gelly joy :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Black hole meets an Eclips. Stunning caps :heart_on_fire:

All multi driver IEM should contain this breakdown for $100 or and esprcially the big money stuff


6 months old and the videos already annoy him…

He’ll get over it. :melting_face:


That’s pretty much what they were just don’t remember if what I had were Converse.

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Good vid for us who haven’t picked up a Thie IEM yet thanks Chris.


They’re so chonky though after a certain point.


So, after watching various reviews (yours in particular Chris), for a number of IEMs, I duly purchased the Simgot EA500, Blon Z300, and KZ PR2. I first tried the Simgot for a fortnight, which was a delight. I lent the KZ to my son during this time. During this period the debacle around the KZ came out and rather put me off listening to it, even though I have an early unit. So I reached for the Z300. It’s darned pretty and the sound signature suited my preferences for the 3 days I was listening to it. Then, unfortunately, as I was just settling into my second beer at my local den of iniquity, the right channel died on me. This is the first time an IEM has failed mechanically on me, and it was all the more upsetting because I was really enjoying the overall tonal balance of the unit. What’s furthermore I didn’t have a second IEM with me to listen to. I shall of course attempt to get some joy from Linsoul with regard to a replacement. Currently trying the PR2 which is hitting the mark, but only when using an external power supply. I couldn’t recommend it to a friend who only had a phone, and less so now it appears KZ have decided t act like f*cktards again. Well, at least the Simgot is a cracking bit of kit. As an act of personal solace, I purchased the Kiwi Ears Quintet for my upcoming birthday. It is currently en route.


Just move on from em…I tried to guide and the rep (Ty) is not the prob it’s a much bigger ish

About Z300. send me your shipping in DM and I will promise you get a new set. You don’t need to talk to Linsoul. You are talking to the collaborator right now. Just wanna know what color :ok_hand:


Hi guys, i’m looking for an under $50 IEMs. Mostly listening to pop and country songs, and I love vocals. So what are top choices for me here in the price range? I’m now considering Fiio FD11, Kiwi Ears Cadenza, truthears Zero. Any more suggestions? And what do you guys think would be best for me?


Fiio FD11 or Tripowin Piccolo


Piccolo is very underated. I should do a No Earphone left behind. Great set

Thanks. I think the library suited for is spot on …the tech and overall rank are my hot takes. :smile:


I’m fairly sure I sent a DM, but this technical stuff is not my forte.

Did you try drying it out? You might have just had some moisture build up.

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I’ve never had any trouble with moisture. I still checked the filter and it was as clean as a whistle. Chris has been kind enough to sort out a replacement pair, but thanks for the advice anyway.

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HeartMirror Zero should also be considered

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Lucky, I get it with my Kai at least while I’m at work lol.

DM seen and replied :ok_hand:

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