Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Coming at the end of july.


10 characters :melting_face:

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LOL Chris :sweat_smile: Nothing to see here…

But Kai is looking like a big boy already, brother. Congrats!


After analysing all the iems in the list (below 1000€) i saw letshuoer EJ07 are very high in the list, i cant understand why.

I want something better then simgot ea500 in terms of sound quality and soundstage, im looking to iems around 1000€

50% music
30% gaming
20% netflix

looking for:

thieaudio monarch mk2
Xenns Top
goldplanar amt16

What do you guys think?

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Do you want them to be the same style as EA500 but better? Do you want more bass or a better bass/uppers balance? EJs and EA500 play music very differently.

What do you want, in terms of sound quality?

Same style EA500 but better. The history behind this is that i sold all my fullsize headphones (audeze, hifiman and akg) because the practicality. I always though that i wil lose sound quality with iem’s, but the ea500 put me thinking, they are very confortable with great sound quality, i actualy prefer them to all my full size headphones.

so i have some plafond to spend in a good Iem but this is all new to me.

Bass and (sub-bass) are only part of the equation. What i like in music is detail and soudstage. For gaming controled bass is a good thing (i play atmospheric/story driven games, not competitve fps).

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Sennheiser IE600 (of everything I’ve heard, I’d call this the most one-for-one upgrade) or 7th Acoustics Supernova (I haven’t gotten to hear this one, so anybody who has might want to chip in and help out here)


well this one skip my radar. They dont have amazing reviews. i have to look into them.

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You’re not looking in the right places then, because IE600 is pretty well regarded. Also, this would be a place for the obligatory “what about earbuds?” question. Because that’s a whole different set of recommendations as they fit a lot of your requirements, if you’re good with the fit

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Like i said before, this is all new to me :slight_smile:

This tier list (bad guy good audio) rank them very well. I am looking into them right now.


By looking at the graphs of the IE600 and EA500, they fit quite nicely.
I’ve never tried the IE600, but seeing as both are single DD sets and highly regarded, it’s safe to assume the IE600 would be a good (and safe) step up if you want the same timbre that a single DD gives


The Goobs strikes again! The IE600 in terms of the IEM landscape suits what you’re looking for almost to a tee, it’s a fun tuning with a very good fit, the shells are very small, and not to mention the perception of the soundstage is outrageous due to that treble tuning.

The original EJ07 is also another legendary set that is highly regarded for its ‘holographic’ stage. I really enjoyed the original EJs, and among a sea of multi-Kilobuck IEMs at CanJam, they stood out to me as being very special. But if you’re looking for a set that is similarly tuned to the EA500 with the same config and similar fitting shells, the IE600 is a fine choice.


If you can afford the Goldplanar…get that.


thats what i thought. But they are on the verge of what i can afford right now.

I can manage a month or two without any headphones and only the ea500.

Maybe i should wait in order to afford the amt16.

The IE600 seems pretty good to music but lacks quality in Multimedia/Gamming department. I never try them, but freshreviews in youtube have this opinion.

For games - IE900 :wink:

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Should be noted that Fresh focuses on IEMs for competitive FPS games, not so much atmospheric, singleplayer games. The Yanyin Canon 2 isn’t far off the EA500 (in terms of FR graph). Currently Fresh’s number 2 pick for gaming :man_shrugging:

While I don’t doubt that the Goldplanar is great, if it is stretching your budget, getting multiple cheaper options, each suited for their own specific task, is always an option. I have my gaming IEMs, and more genre specific IEMs


Thats actualy not a bad idea. For the same price of Goldplanar i have somthing like xenns top for gamming and sennheiser ie600 for music.


as instruments play and their sound wave decays, you get to the short wave lengths of 20khz until you can’t hear a thing past 20k(cymbals can go up to 120 khz actually :open_mouth:) so for example imagine a snare hit, The primary tone (the main frequency) that snares tend to create is about 200 hz but it actually produces harmonics that can be as low as 30 hz or as high as 20k but the upper harmonics aren’t really pronounced so people assume snares have nothing to do with treble or even sub bass, but those upper harmonics do have a massive effect of how you hear that note or instrument. so the last edge and sharpness of the instruments or notes reside in the upper harmonics of the frequency response and thats the same for lower frequencies( their body and fullness is based of lower frequencies). so look for something that has good air and treble extension for that “micro detailed” sound.

if money was not a problem and i wanted portability, i would save for the upcoming monarch mk3. just look at that smooth extension

well thank you my good sir. Money is a problem :slight_smile:

Im betting they will be around 1500$€ or more.

But they really look impressive.

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