Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Is KZ releasing anear $1000 IEM??



LMAOOO bonk* :sweat_smile:

KZ is stepping way out of their league here. I’m not saying their incapable of producing a good IEM, that’s far from the truth, but with the countless times they’ve screwed over the community #1 and #2 their reputation of being a “budget” IEM based company, who in their right mind would choose a KZ over literally anything around the mid tier of the market?

They done lost their minds on this one.


Right!? Like it just seems like they are throwing away money trying with the bad will they currently have. I would not be surprised if they trick is all and this IEM ends up being $100


30 BA set calling it


We don’t know where they are pricing it, based on that statement. They’re simply claiming it will be the best UNDER $1000. They could charge $999 or $500 or $200.

Don’t know what any of it means (other than):


“we’re sparkling wild fires”. sparkling dumpster fires maybe :rofl:


If they really want to venture into kilobiuck territory, the smart move would have been to create a new brand for high end audio.

I’m sure we all know plenty of brands that lost money by trying to go way above their league with a product, just because the consumers didn’t understand (lexus LFA, VW Phaeton W12,…)


There’s already lots of OEM/Rebranding going on with sets using identical components that charge up to 10x their counterparts. It’s odd how the whole hobby ignores this. Must be related to the addiction??


That’s a valid point, however, they somewhat tried with the brand JoyAudio, silently, and the community saw right through it and often bundles in the name KZ when it comes to reviews so psychologically, you’re buying a KZ, they’re reviewing a KZ… it becomes a KZ product.

They would need to be extremely sneaky creating a completely separate division and brand dedicated to high end audio without someone, somewhere in the community spilling the beans that it’s actually a KZ product.

Also side note because I saw you mention the LFA, It’s funny how the LFA just did not sell in the dealers in its time, some even being left over and discounted and now, it’s considered one of the best driving and the best sounding V10 of all time, with prices rising to over half a million for a nice example with low miles.


You have a point here: when anyone learns the new brand is from kz, everyone will associate it to kz. But then, softears is associated with moondrop and that doesn’t really bother people, right? So there must be a way to manage that; though it can be tricky for a brand so linked with cheap stuff as kz.

When I think about it, the others examples I have of sister companies in chi-fi go mostly from top to bottom (kinera - Celeste, audiosense - tingker, …) It must be easier for companies to go that route, I guess.


Yeah, definitely. I guess the difference is that at this point, Moondrop reputation is still pretty high throughout the community. While their most popular sets like the Blessing lineup may not be for everyone, they’re still widely regarded as benchmark IEMs in their respective price point. So Moondrop moving up, rather than down using Softears makes sense. Not to mention, pretty much all of the IEMs from Softears have garnered acclaim, I can’t think of a single one that isn’t at least a good IEM. Not even decent, but good with some literally legendary sets in their catalog. RSV & Twilight come to mind immediately.


Probably because Moondrop hasnt done the shit that KZ has done to piss off people.

The list of sister companies is pretty big actually, afaik.

Fiio = Jade Audio
Audiosense = Tingker = (using Audiosense as OEM or sister company, FLOAudio)
Kinera = Queen of Audio = Celeste
KZ = CCA = Joyodio = (and some other I forgot, not QKZ afaik though)
Final Audio = ag
Sony = JustEar
Penon = ISN
Moondrop = Truthear (afaik)
Tin Hifi = TKZK



Yeah gl KZ.


Haha it’s nothing like that Audio Technica, which seems like an obscure model no one’s crazy about replicating anyway? I could be wrong.

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Yeah, dont get the reason to compare with this except that it makes their Krila look better in comparison because of how shitty the IEX1 looks. That combined with Audio Technica fame (old fame probably) is probably why they picked that one.

But well, I guess this is the iem they are referring to when they said “best iem under 1000 usd”…if that was the only iem in existence at that price. :joy:


Thats a whole lot of steaming pile of Bull Shit Right There!

Actually I blame the hobby for this one.

People keep trying to compare graphs that are similar with completely different sounding way more expensive IEM and expect them to sound the same?

Manufacturers have figured this out and are playing off of that.

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I think it is actually kind of funny how did they advertise this crap in some ironic, positive way :smiley:



No fucking way! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Best IEM below $1000?! Only for them to be another ultra budget set.

That’s F- marketing right there. What a ridiculous statement. Jesus Christ.


:smirk: But have you heard them yet?