Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Wait that’s literally the KZ DFI but reskinned+1BA LMAO


Supernova is a SuperSet.

I tried to warn y’all :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:



We might be being too hasty. Maybe they’re going for hard modest, not setting high expectations. Maybe nothing under $1000 is this bad? No rivals.


I think it kinda gives reviewers another layer of angst.
If you try and compare it with $1000 sets for real in a review …you’ll be dead to folks who actually spend $1000 or more.

If I am missing a joke and this is a gag…ignore me,…I’m busy being a Daddy. If this is not a joke…I dunno man


Just arrived. Not listened to them yet. Back in a few hours.


Love the picture of Kai sleeping (with what may or may not be an elephant). Treasure every moment, they grow up so fast. Before you know it he’ll be asking if he can borrow your car.


Anyone got a cable recommendation for the PR2? Is balanced preferrable due to the power needs? Copper/silver?

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Having given the Kiwi Ears Quintet a thorough listening to since the moment it arrived this afternoon, I have been utterly impressed by this hybrid (my first). It’s overall tone is right in my wheelhouse. The detail, seperation and resolution is superb. It is an old statement , however, no less true, when I say I am hearing aspects of each track I had not heard before. Salva Regina by Harry Christophers The Sixteen managed to project an image of the choir with individual placings, without losing the overall coherence of the group and without sounding sterile, something no other IEM or headphone has done to date. I have listened to them Sing live at Blackburn Cathederal many times and, outside my main stereo, that is the closest to them singing live I’ve heard. Similarly The Curse by Agnes Obels was as equally sublime. Hyperactive by Thomas Dolby, which is a very busy track was flawless. I could go on listing the what I loved about each of the tracks on my IEM tester playlist and the three albums I have played so far, but it would take an age, and would be intensly boring. If you have not gathered by now I am not a great listener of Rock, Rock’N’ Roll, Metal etc which the larger percentage of contributers on these pages appear listen to therefore any recommendation regarding the Quintet would probably be redundant. I leave that to the professionals like HBB et al. However, in the vein of HBB, I can safely say with my music library this IEM gets a resounding recommendation. And a big thank you to Chris for his recommendation for this set . I have listed my playlist and albums below for anyone who is interested. I am now going to plug these babies into a number of headphone amplifiers until the wee hours of the morning.

IEM tester playlist

3rd of June – Yello

7 Seconds – Neneh Cherry / Youssou N’Dour

Against the Rich – Warhaus

Salva Regina – Harry Christophers The Sixteen

Arabella – Arctic Monkeys

At the River – Groove Armarda

Black Horses -The Durutti Column

Bosphorus – Boris Blank

Brother -The Durutti Column

Dance pt.2 - The Durutti Column

Heathen (The Rays) – David Bowie

Dream of Me – Kristina Train

Homage to Catalonia - The Durutti Column

Hyperactive – Thomas Dolby

In a Room – The House of Love

Insomnia 2.0 (Avicii Extended Remix – Faithless

I love You – Billie Eilish

Kids with Guns (Quiet Village Remix)

Let’s Stay Togethher – Al Green

Lost on You – LP

Next – Scott Walker

Open Up – leftfield/John Lydon

Otis - The Durutti Column

Out of the Blue – The The

Pray – Haelos

Purple Haze – Groove Armarda

Rehab – Amy Winehouse

Requiem - The Durutti Column

Riders on the Storm – The Doors

River Man – Nick Drake

Taal Zaman – Transglobal Underground

The Art Teacher – Rufus Wainwright

The Curse – Agnes Obel

The Jezebel Spirit – Brian Eno / David Byrne

The Last Goodbye – Odesza

The Race – Yello

Uncertain Smile – The The

Wandering Star - Portishead

Yello and Black Taxi Cab – Transglobal Underground


A Moment Apart – Odesza

A Paean to Wilson – The Durutti Column

Full Circle - Haelos


Try this on ypur PR2 no need to decide on bal or non

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I had the chance to compare the Maestro SE vs the Maestro Mini. In terms of just pure bass performance, they’re so close but I think @hawaiibadboy’s rank is correct the MM just hits oh so slightly harder. But the SE is better in every other way.

If anyone is looking to test some just pure bass check out Bass Mekanik. It’s not really music that you’d just listen to, it’s just bass boosted stuff. But prob the best examples of low low bass to test out gear.

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Checking out this album immediately brought back some memories!

When I was around 5, my family went to visit my uncle, aunt and cousin in Chicago. My cousin, who is 20 years older than me, took my brother and me out for a drive (or rather to cruise) through the streets.

What my brother and I, to this day, like to joke about was the literal window-rattling bass my cousin had in that car. I don’t remember anything but bass coming through that system. I remember my brother and I looking at each other, wide-eyed and laughing. Something about him driving us around, with his big (but incredibly kind) rottweiler, bass out the wazoo, showing us around and showing his little cousins off to friends, felt special.

I believe that experience had a pretty big impact on how I would appreciate bass. Especially those super low sub-bass frequencies. Funny how much a positive memory can impact your perception and appreciation for something


My basshead journey started at the Hatch Shell…waves of low freq running tnrough my body at 8 years old. Blew me away.

I ended up competing with my car in IASCA events
Now I am a known basshead Influencer.
Life is a hapy wonderful trip.

It all started at a symphony Orchestra


Bass is love, bass is life :grin:


dude, it is so insane that you’re a Boston guy. It makes sense but I never would of guessed it. The hatch shell has some incredible sound properties, it’s insane. It’s definitely an awesome experience


I spent more of My life in Hawaii but folks pick up my accent immediately…and the f bombs seal the deal if they ever doubted it.

My Great Grandmother played 1st Cello under Arthur Fiedler.
When I went to 4th of July show we met members of the Cello group and Seiji Ozawa.
In Japan, I have met a person who played under Mr Ozawa.
It is a small world. :earth_americas: :notes: :heart_on_fire:


Yeah I can kind of hear it now that you say it :sunglasses:

Damn, such a cool story, Chris. Thanks for sharing that. If you ever come back to visit the bean, I’d love to shake your hand and say hi :muscle:


You a Celtics fan?
They should sign Dame and let him pout and sit.
KG said no too and now he is a God in Beantown :call_me_hand:

Lets meet when I take Kai to meet his cousins who are mostly on the cape now. :shell:


Not so much a Cs fan now a days, but god damn does this city go crazy for our teams. Definitely some of the most passionate fans in the country and I can get down with that. Only sport I watch and keep up with now a days is UFC and MMA :muscle:

That’d be dope, Chris, I look forward to it :handshake: the cape is a beautiful place, btw - so many of my clients live there and they love it.