Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

I saw the reservations for the new Tripowin x HBB Kailua were up last night.


Holy moly, just received my new EJ07 an hour ago. Coincidence?

Why did I buy it? Because I wanted a wired Huawei Freebuds Pro 2 since I got the buds and of course all the positive reviews.

This response graph resonates perfectly and positively with my state of mind or emotional state (can’t find the correct english word for it :smile:):

First impressions are stick-your-lips-out good.


Dame, Brown, and Tatum? Maybe if they still had Udoka

Do I get to tag along on the Cape trip? It’d be great to have the legend tell me I’m an idiot for whatever dumb take I’m on by then :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


Goob, you a Masshole too :laughing:
We worlwide!!!
You maybe see my boxing in street vids in anew light.

What kinda asshole does that?..a masshole does that.
I got kicked out of 3 differenr elementary schools in 4th 5th and 6th grade.
Actually 2 then moved while in 3rd to Hawaii when they were making me stay home for fighting.

Lets have a big BBQ.
Bring the fam since I will have my kid.

Just saw the DIVA vid.
I know more folks with issues than who have perfect sets.
That was a great vid. Much respect bro


Great timing.
I love that set. best thing that company ever made


I’m a born New Yorker but my mom’s family moved to MA from Texas after WW II. And I’ve lived in Boston since I was 17.

So I’m the worst of both worlds lol


@hawaiibadboy @GooberBM a big BBQ with the fams?! I’m absolutely in.

Also, goobs, I must have forgotten you’re from NY originally…

It’s absolute blasphemy here in the Bean but, I’ve been obsessed with NY since I was a kid. My dream is to live there at least one day… don’t tell anyone. My dad gives me shit for it to this day :rofl:




Appreciate the support bro :pray:

They aint getting away with this shit on my watch :joy:

Amen. Same here. I do hope the newer versions have better QC.

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Oh come on. Ever person in Boston is completely obsessed with NYC. This is where the inferiority complex comes from in the first place lol


Lol everyone I’ve ever met is stone cold Boston, F NY type energy. I’ve never met another person from Boston who loved NY as much as I do :sweat_smile:


The Olina was built around a good engine. The Tanch 02. That was a controversial thing at the time but it sold very very well based on buyer feedback and was the start of porting midfi to near budget-fi.
Cuz we can
We all know the markups. Companies charge $300 (for example) cuz…they can.
Dunu is an exception as they invest in driver development and have nice cabling.
Most companies are not like Dunu or Moondrop.
Kailua was an LCP then a CNT and Finaly a DLC /Titanium. Clearly sounded the best (pun intended) :melting_face:


@hawaiibadboy could you do a comparison between the Maestro SE vs Mest mk3 vs Prestige LTD?

Which is the overall winner, or maybe one of your spider graphs would be pretty sweet!

My opinion, my library, grain of salt…


Bass Fatfreq is most pronounced but not blowing out mids but husking up vocals a tad.
MKIII sounds really tame in comparison

Mids MKIII and it’s unique upper mids (ear gain) are hyper detailed and helped by polite bass to make a very clean almost analytical replay. Classical/Acoustic…MKIII is the pick

Treble The Fatfreq is just a beast. It balances out the hammer bass with some really excellent treb tuning. Fatfreq is famous for bass but no way they sell so hot with audiophiles with anything less than spot on treb. Not hot, not dark…perfect.

Tonality LTD is a pick I could get with but being able to go from WU TANG to OZZY to Pink Floyd’s “Mother” without even thinking about turning something up or down? Maestro SE… That’s a winner.
None are bang for buck sets


Available now!

“Experience raw, unadulterated power with World’s First 30dB sub-bass shelf, expertly controlled under 200Hz. FATfreq’s proprietary tubeless hyper tweeter system provides stratospheric ultra-high extension and brilliance to 40kHz. Giving you the best of both worlds at incredible value and ergonomics.”


Awesome man! Appreciated.

I’ve been listening to the Maestro SE and enjoying.

The Mk3 and the LTD are on my list but definitely gonna need to demo and not blind buy. It seems like I may end up liking the MSE over them anyway.

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Multi-DD sets, using different compositions to maximize the positives of each is too smart of an idea for it to only be catching on now.

I’m more curious about Kailua than I have been about a collab in a while. So kudos for that!




Definitely demo before buying unless you have a Money tree in your yard :laughing:

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