Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

That’s funny that you mention that because I don’t think their marketing ever mentions is a passive bass radiator.

Same thing.

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I wasn’t saying they were acoustically different. Just that maybe they were gonna use the the excuse “we never said it was to boost bass” but their marketing def says that anyway. It looks like PRs just enhance the resonance frequency and need to be tuned correctly to make that frequency a bass one? Idk anything about this stuff though so please ignore me

The design prohibits it from working with anything other than bass.
There are lots of lengthy papers online that gets into the weeds and is a good read that relates to this hobby…PR will become used effectively thanks to 3D printing.

The bass on the DZ4 increases without the Rad as it acts as an extra volume displacement or vent for the low driver .
If you paired a rad with a tweeter it would be the same as listening to sound via a plastic cup.
The speed of a tweeter in 6,000Hz cycles per second is not something a dummy driver can do without adding tremendous artifacts.

I read letshours promo to see the claims.
They made none.

Heyears could have done it correct if they were given correct design.


thanks for the info! Im new to all this stuff so Im still trying to understand it all. In the wiki link @Rikudou_Goku posted there is the example below. How does that work with a single, full range active driver?

They use radiators instead of vents, because you can use a smaller enclosure with radiators (and sealed) while achieving a low extension. If it was a vent instead, it would either not go as low OR it would need to be made larger.

(radiators also looks more marketable for normies.)


What @Rikudou_Goku said.
In addition, those configs are for convenience and not for SQ. The active drivers are in shells with no back noise in cavity if done well or just naked if done poorly.
My JBL boombox tweets are in capsules and do not flood the bass chamber


thank you both! this helped immensly


I use one in my car because I didn’t want my trunk space taken by a larger enclosure. In the case it also keeps the cones protected from things thrown in the back sense it’s downward firing.


Oh…I spot a


Monarch MKIII will be out tomorrow!!


LOL, I didn’t know the release sched, I need to do a vid :slight_smile:


Prepare for the influx of 2nd hand MKIIs to hit the classifieds!


Nooo. I dont need this one, i really dont need this one…i can feel my defences slipping already…

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If they have a library like mine they will. A Monarch with slam…3rd times a charm.


Oh jesus christ, I can’t wait for the comparison videos. Chris, you’re killing me! You spin that wheel yet!? :sweat_smile:


Keep in mind…

I didn’t rec the OG at all

and the MKII

So this is the 1st Monarch that actually fits my library.


When it comes to a library like yours, Thie has been hitting it out of the park with these last 2 releases.

I do not have a library like yours but I’m not one to shy away from a fat bottom end!

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damn now you got me tempted. I didnt like the OG, thought it was too thin and week in the bass. I never tried the MKII but I assumed based on the graph it didnt move the needle enough. That MKIII graph is pretty damn spot on though…


I didn’t like the MKII and never heard MKI. Now Chris saying this has me intrigued and I can get a custom. Wonder how long after release the customs will drop.

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