Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

I am shocked that there isn’t more buzz about the Tripowin x HBB Kailua. I got mine late Friday, but Greta Van Fleet’s new album came out Friday, and my only listening time on Sat. was that with the Tea2 ( a known transducer for the 1st time ). So this morning I am finally getting some time to listen to the Kailua.

The Kailua mostly does what you think it should base on the graphs. It staked out a middle ground on the treble tuning somewhere between Mele ( or Z300 ) and Olina, and the result is that the bass represents well, but the treble details aren’t lost. I am not sure why, while it has plenty of bass, the slam or impact seemed less than I expected. My guess is that it something to do with Ti coating, but I am don’t know enough about how that impacts the sound. Speaking of the sound, I really enjoyed it, the timber was very natural, it was clean with fast bass, but not tight, and the drivers worked well together. For people who thought Olina was a bit too bright at times, this will be a good choice.

I am impressed at how comfortable these are for me. They are small, much smaller than I expected a 2DD ( 10mm & 6 mm ) to be. The nozzle is small but has a pretty aggressive angle, and they stay in my ears well as a result, but the angle might not work for every ear. I think the angle did force me to go up from a small to medium on the ear tips. I did find that after tip rolling a bit, that I like the sound best with the Final E, or the Dunu S&S, but I am usually a Spinfit CP100+ fan.

The cable will probably be polarizing. It is the thinnest cable I own, but it isn’t bad, just different. Note there is no case with it. I think the cable and case were just trying to put the money into the IEM, not the accessories. If so that works for me.

I really like the Kailua, it is another well made Tripowin IEM, and the HBB tuning we expect. It is probably in my top 3 under $100, which is some ordering of Olina SE, EA500, and the Kailua. I am looking forward to seeing what mods might happen with it too.


On this point, who makes the cable for the Z300 ? and do they make a 2-pin ?

Well, you have this very unbiased and fair review! Had my eye on it and pretty much all reviews I’ve seen say it’s very good. I withheld for now since I already have two big shots on the way, but it seems like a great IEM


Thanks for the trust. It has the best drivers of any collab I have done. It “should” be good. The market and public will decide in the end.
Thanks as always for the trust. :notes:


Lol, yes they are very good. Good enough, that they are already going in the “I need two pairs of those” club ( Mele and Olina are the other two members ).

The EW200 sounded rough when I put them on, after listening to the Kailua, and the 200 might be the best driver in a cheap IEM currently. The Kailua has such a clean sound to it, I got my DIY tube amp out and was really enjoying the combo.


So, Akros got some shit cuz an Aur Audio wasn’t the best thing in his video?


I find that interesting as fuck.

So you want him to be a brand loyalist over an opinion giver?
You prefer he were predictable?
That’s facinating …it’s almost like the company and seller talk about narrative control…is true.
Which it is.

Been in this hobby longer than most.
These companies are not your fucking friends.

They got you wrapped up in their Discords a captured audience waiting to con-sooom the latest product.


1/2 the folks on forums daily are likely affiliated with a chifi company.
When an earphone deviates from Harman it gets canned despite everyone claiming fatigue at having 10 versions of the same thing.
When a reviewer says a brand dropped the ball and that guy never gets that brands set again. (Me for example…) nobody says “Wait…yo wtf?..this is message control”

That Facebook screenshot from me in June was because despite KZ dropping the ball…a fucking…gain…
Most posts were company apologists…
Excusing a company that just unilaterally switched stuff up, took your money, and it was apparently everybodys fault but theirs?
That really fucking happened…a fucking gain…
BTW they threw all their influencers under the bus for no good reason. That company you think respects you and you are getting over on them? Jokes on you. They make tons of loot of your allegiance and can replace you in line in a second.
So yeah, the company is explaining to me how they control and guide narratives on platforms like Reddit, Youtube and Facebook. (those 3 were mentioned I am sure it applies everywhere)


Wow…no shit?
Then the post here, every video of Kailua, multiple FB groups…just like the Company said.
I must be trippin…
Let me go check

So …KZ and HBB can’t go wrong…it has never gone right ffs…IT HAS NEVER NOT BEEN A DISASTER

The follow up after getting folks hyped musta been interesting since it failed…right?
There was no follow up, not about the set, the sound, the cluster fuck of rando tuning changes

And hey…gimmie props for capping that since…oh…I dunno? It’s fucking GONE and scrubbed

A ha ha haaaaa.


This is the hobby.
Good luck to everyone trying to get not guided info. I’m serious. Good luck.


Thanks for the reminder. I had Celest PhoenixCall on my radar but not something I was going to worry about getting. Then I looked at the wild graph again and remembered this is the stuff I WANT to give a chance.

So yeah, good call there!


Nah that’s the hustle :moneybag::clown_face: :dollar:…The ‘Hobby’ :musical_note::loud_sound::guitar::musical_keyboard::microphone::drum:



I was following the thread when that happened and it was wild to me. It’s insane that they were trying to imply Akros is being paid by hifigi and that he needed to be using the $1200 cable or else his opinion is invalid


…send us the pic/link…

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It’s even more than $1200!! That’s almost 3 times the Aurora


Post in thread ‘AÜR AUDIO IEMs’ AÜR AUDIO IEMs | Page 112 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - this is the post. Generally fun to read thread :see_no_evil:


Had to go over there and stand up for Tony, hate when reviewers get called out for posting a less then positive review.
We dont deserve it.


:smile: that thread reads like watching grade schoolers playing “Top Trumps”.

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I’m so close to getting unproductive over there and posting:


I tried, regretted it and now I’m


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IIRC Chris you posted a year or so ago :man_shrugging: that HFGF would take over as ‘the’ forum for music loving audiophiles to discuss their passion for transducers, hardware or just good ol’ music from Head-Fi and god dang you were right…honest music loving folks are now leaving that sinking ship in droves…

R.I.P Head-Fi


so i listened to couple of tracks here and the only differences i could tell was

  1. monarch has better treble, it sounded more realistic, more shimmery and metallic while appearing to be more boosted despite them graphing very closely. (monarch has a few db more from 12 to 14k maybe thats the reason)
  2. monarch had slightly better sense of openness of the sound due to its air being better than the top, at least that what im hearing.

so @hawaiibadboy can you approve this too since you have both sets on your hands? the main difference of a 500$ and a 1000$ set are this minimal?