Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Hot damn that’s beautiful. I’m sitting here every once and awhile refreshing the page for orders to begin.



Anybody can believe what they want to believe, but for $20 and a 400mesh filter…

I’ll leave this here as another example of how you can get tuning and a quality enough driver at any price!


Why…there is another $20 Set that is closer.

And neither sound like a Singularity :call_me_hand: :notes:


Of course I’m not arguing THAT. Just pumping the copium for the budget warriors that the tuning is out there. Not the quality lol.

Cause there was someone yesterday…I think on discord saying they hope the tuning on Singularity can get to the cheaper prices. Clearly, people need hope out there lol :slight_smile:


I know…I was just having fun…it’s my set and someone on HF mentioned the tuning similarities.


But your point is still the truth: Whatever R&D or tech they’ve put into tuning that 1DD to extract the magic they do is real, where you can take a good cheaper driver and hit the same target, and you’re not getting the sauce out of it.




I think there is a difference between tuning and what we hear though. I have heard sets that sound similar to my ear but measure very different and sets that measure almost the same and sound different. IMO a lot of it has to do with our own ear anatomy at the end of the day.


I’m excited and curious to see how your comparison of your incoming Glamdring to the Singularity goes, so DD like I’ll be damned to tell the difference :smiling_face:

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…and measurement rig differences(and maybe unit variations).
I mean, look at that, two almost identical sets, right?:

(and a lot of measurements look like this, one even has Z300 with more sub bass, not trying to single anyone out)

Well to my ears they’re closer to somewhere between this:

And @hawaiibadboy 's own measurement:

Crinacle also has it with an earlier bass rise.
So yeah, unfortunately until everyone’s measuring on the same rig with the same compensation, one source of measurements doesn’t tell the whole story.


My ears tell me the QKZxHBB is warmer, and the when I A/B them, they aren’t close [to the Z300]. I won’t claim my ears are a measuring device, but how they sound is sort of the point.

Speaking of underrated IEMs - I got my second Kailua pair today. I am taking a pair to the office next week.


Are those cables graphite? :open_mouth:

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The cable on the Kailua looks solid. Can someone confirm if that is the stock cable? @John_W_Clark

Neither is. One on left looks like stock cable from the Olina or a tripowin grace. Can’t tell on right but its not the stock cable from Kailua


Man, I could go for another Mele cable or two. That thing is magic.


Good eyes, that grey one is the Tripowin that came on an Olina.
They other one is the Tripowin Zoe, which other than the rubbery cover on it, I really like, and the matte hardware is nice.

The stock cable for the Kailua is weird, it is super thin but works fine, but it will be polarizing. I was just experimenting with some other cables I had in the drawer.

I put one of the Tripowin Noire cables on my Olina SE ages ago, and the swappable plug makes it so it doesn’t really fit in the original case well. I was going to use that case for my Kailua, and I had the cable in it, which then got me thinking about the new one I hadn’t opened.

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Is Kailua more engaging/exciting than Olina SE?


That is a tough call. I like both. I think Olina has a wider stage. The bass is very different, Kailua has cleaner, and lower impact bass, but the quantity seems similar.


Who bought Simgot?
Someone took over and is guiding that ship :thinking:
They continue to make good sets one after the other


If they put quality drivers in there, it honestly looks like another killer at 109$

Also resin shell! Personal preferece > metal