Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

Fellow war buddy :saluting_face:

Ye same, but took it off because fuck em :roll_eyes:

It’s funny because this reminds me of when Lee compared themselves to Apple CS in my email exchange with him :joy:


@VIVIDICI_111 has the most sensitive ears and the most accurate judgment about the technical parameters of the IEM. I don’t know why his videos didn’t get as many views, but the IEM information in them is like no other video or review. I guess folks like boring stuff. Another one who has good ears in my opinion is @nymz . I don’t trust other reviewers. :smirk:



giphy (42)

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That looks like trash indeed and seems unacceptable.

Besides that - as you obviously referred to my picture post in various following posts of yours - you simply may have gotten things wrong.

Your first pic of these looked like crap by itself not really showing how yours actually look like. I posted the pic of mine for comparison. And as you say yourself that made you take your second - much clearer - pic. And thats it.

So why all that head-fi bs gossip talk? Know what, your insinuating posts actually are what you define as head-fi style… Ridicolous…


Yup it does look like trash

Going by the two photos it looks like your set was a rough prototype and @zikarus’s the finished retail product :man_shrugging:
Have you contacted Night Oblivion/Penon yet? @AmericanSpirit_JP not a great start to quality control especially considering it’s hands on and small number batches?


I used a resin polish and it’s mostly cleaned up. It was never a stresser. my nozzle has a bit of foam or something and it broke the stereo image and that was what actually had me upset.
That SQ issue was a bit of debris in packing (it happens)
The cosmetic stuff happens. My ODIn was scratched :smiling_face_with_tear:
The Oblivion cleaned up nice.

@zikarus Sorry for childish outburst. I was upset about my Oblivion and acted like a kid.


Not a brand that’s of interest to me but if it was and being UK based I’d purchase from Elise Audio, that way my contract is with them, any issues regarding quality control etc is their problem and not mine, let them chase up Elysian’s apparently slack ass…


Wasn’t it those they chucked into a couple of $5 weed deal bags and not the mesh pouches?


Your memory is excellent. They didn’t put the shells in anything and just stuffed it all into the puck. :sweat_drops:

They wanted me to pay for shipping for the pouches…which are a basic part of the package that they forgot and scratched my very expensive set.
I think i got a demo set.
Next time Elise or musicteck are how I’ll roll. Like you said. They can chase em and I get my refund



Let me contact penon, that should be replaced.


Yea, that’s unacceptable, already contacted both Night Oblivion and Penon🤯


Very American way of describing small plastic bags :rofl:


Thank you sir…


Jinny responded, and apologized for the faceplate finish.

He commented “the surfacing is indeed a defective which I missed to catch. The small dusts around them looked like a smoke ash which seemed not related to product itself. “

Regardless the source of the cigarette ash or something, the surface finish is indeed a defective and he is happy to replace the unit.

For Penon about your replacement, as always it probably would take couple of days to get any feedback😅

Jinny made sure the batches to be shipped is in perfrct condition:

Since I couldn’t upload a video to here,

Here is the video with good visuals to see all units are in perfect conditions (please disregard his wife/kid voice, it’s his after-dinner family time)


Appreciate it.
The SQ is excellent and I will review the unit i have as there is nothing else wrong with it.
There is no rush, I appreciate the show of prompt QA/QC. :notes:


The slandering of crinacle is getting outta fucking hand.
Spewed by folks who are sporting a lot of KZ shit in their footers.
Maybe Thie and Moondrop having a direct line to and taking feedback from is why as opposed to some grand conspiracy that after already securing himself financially he then goes into simp mode??? Really?? That makes no sense and is why you are where you are…and he is where he is
giphy (44)

Fucking clowns.


he is talking about him not being objective because he rated blessing 2 higher than odin but objectively b2 is tuned more neutrally than odin.

but idk why he rated annihilator the highest. technical rating aside( nobody knows without trying it irl)
the tuning is faar from neutral so idk whats his reasoning behind his tuning ranks, fun u or v shaped tunings get high ranks or flatter gets better ranks? idk.

@hawaiibadboy any chance you’ll be reviewing YanYin Canon 2? Haven’t seen many reviews on it but Canon was a banger so hopefully Canon 2 is even better

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